High blood preasure

High blood preasure

High blood preasure Hi to all

Sorry but it’s me again I think I am having one of those weeks!! I went to the local Dr’s and they did my blood preasure (this was the nurse)she said it was higher than she would like it. Has anyone else had any experiance of this after finishing Chemo , Radio ?? I also did a year on Tamoxifen /Arimidex. Iam going to see my onc I think . Maybe it’s nothing to do with the treatment. I seam to blame every ache pain or issue to bc now.

Love toall


Vodkasue snap-they put me on Rimpril instead of previous water pills. Month later BP very respectable. Thought it was the chemo [had RT for hip mets too between chemo 4 and 5], dilly

Photo problem Hi Vodkasue, if you look at the top of the page, under your name,you can go to your personal homepage, you can edit your details from there. Hope that helps. Good luck with the blood pressure

