High grade DCIS and LCIS

Hi all, I just wondered whether anyone had been diagnosed with both - the LCIS was only picked up incidentally at biopsy (which I think is common).

I am pretty sure I will need a mastectomy due to the size of the DCIS (and that I have small breasts) - I find out this week - but am now wondering whether I should also be asking for further imaging etc. of the other breast and possibly a bilateral mastectomy as I understand the risk for LCIS is higher in terms of both breasts.

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Hello, if by LCIS you mean invasive lobular cancer then yes. Last year I was diagnosed with DCIS 15mm. After lumpectomy the histology came back with multi focal invasive lobular. I had an MRI and ultrasound to check my good breast and had a single mastectomy. Happy to answer any questions x

Hi @wickerwoman, I hope you’re doing ok today.

I found some info on LCIS on our website which may be helpful for you in this link.

If you thought a chat with our nursing team can be helpful, remember we are here on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). We’re always here to chat things through.

Sending our warmest wishes

Thanks Bernard, that is incredibly helpful. Will give the freephone a call too.

Hi Laneycass and thanks so much for replying. I don’t have invasive lobular cancer - it is still in situ (although they may find it is invasive in the pathology after the mastectomy). That’s interesting that you had an MRI to check your other breast. I need to ask about that at a later point. Hoping your recovery from the mastectomy was as good as it could be. I am struggling with this, not the loss of the breast actually but getting through the operation and the recovery as I have a lot of other health issues which might impact this.

Hi yes, I breezed through the operations but the radiotherapy and meds have had much more impact on my wellbeing. The mammogram, ultrasound and MRI were not great at picking stuff up in my bad boob. That (and increased incidece with lobular) causes me ongoing worries with the good one. Sorry to hear you are struggling, it’s all shit isn’t it. Xx