have been suffering from fatigue, bit of nausea, glands up all the time. Just generally feeling grotty for a bit. It all got worse in April, after Easter Holidays, and by the end of May, before half term, I had to take a day off and was as bad as after rads. I went to GP, as worried I had chronic fatigue syndrome. She ordered loads of blood tests. I had a telephone appointment today with some Dr in the surgery. She told me that the liver function results were very high 103 and they should be 33. Also cholesterol raised. She assumed I was a raging alcoholic but I’m not. Probs only have a couple of glasses a week and a small gin and tonic. Perhaps a beer or two but some weeks I don’t drink at all. Also not obese - am a small size 14.
Am now very worried but think it is down to the letrazole. My blood tests in Jan showed a slightly raised amount but nothing to worry about.
will obvs not drink anything and keep to a low fat diet for forseable.
Anyone else had any experience of this.