High temperature

We are told to check our temperature regularly during chemo. After my fourth FEC I felt slight flu like symptoms and so started taking my temperature. It seemed to fluctuate and sometimes went over 38 so I phoned the hospital as suggested in the info I was given. The onc nurse told me I could be getting an infection and advised me to go to my GP and get some antibiotics. This I did, but, sods law, when GP took my temp it was normal. He gave me some antibiotics anyway just in case an infection was brewing. The next day, I saw the oncologist, he took my temp which was 37 and he said this was OK and to stop taking the antibiotics! My bloods were OK so the next day I had my fifth FEC and now, on day 11 I am starting flu like symptoms again and high temp. I don’t know whether to start taking the antibiotics. Has anyone else had this dilemma? I have my last FEC on 27th July and don’t want it to be delayed.

Love to all

Can’t help you, I have been having flu like feelings all week since I had my first FEC last Monday. Have been taking my temp. so much my children want to do it fo rme now…LOL… Shouldn’t laugh, sorry. Useless me replying really but am interested in what others have to say to you. xxx

Hi Judith

You need to ring the chemo unit asap, if you have a temp of 38C or above - regardless of what has happened in a previous cycle. You are at your nadir and vulnerable to infections, and it cannot be taken lightly. They will probably need to look at your blood count again.

Hope it goes ok,

PS Just to say, I can’t stress it enough how important it is to ring the chemo unit, or whatever emergency number they have given you now if you have a temp of 38C.

Off to check my temp again…I am all panicky now…

Hi Babyboo

Well it can be extremely serious if you do have a temperature and you’re having chemo, there’s no point beating around the bush about it. Sorry to make you anxious, but if you don’t have a temp and you feel ok then there is no need to be panicked.


No, I know it is serious, I just seem to be checking my temp ALL the time lately…I think it is all these flu like symptoms I have been having this week. It just never seems to stop does it.

Well there’s no harm in checking your temp, and I think the other thing to remember is that if you are feeling unwell and don’t have a temperature then you should still ring your chemo unit just to check with them - it’s worth it just for peace of mind. Did you have an injection to boost your immune system called ‘GCSF’ as sometimes that can give you flu like symptoms?

No I didn’t get anything…and I have started feeling like I have a sore throat…grrrrrr…
My Chemo Unit isn’t open until tomorrow now and my NHS direct Like number will tell me to keep on eye on myself…grrrrrrr

Hi Babyboo

You do have an emergency number to ring if you have a temperature though?


Mmmm only A&E… bit daft that really but there you go. I promise to be sensible…the hospital is only a 15 min drive down the motorway should it, God forbid, happen.

Ok, well in A and E they will know what to do, if in the unlikely event you present with a temperature etc, so try not to worry about it too much.


I ended up in hos with neutropenia only symptom temp 38.Had to be in isolation on IV antibiotics,

Thanks for all your comments. It certainly sounds as though we should take a 38 temp seriously. I just don’t understand why my GP and onc seemed so unconcerned about it. Maybe I need to buy a new thermometer as I’m not getting an accurate reading.


HI Judith

TBH, I’m surprised they asked you to see your GP for antibiotics with a temp of 38 - some units would have you up to hospital straightaway with a temp like that. Regardless, next time you get a temp of 38 you ring the chemo unit, or whatever emergency number you have been given.

However, perhaps you should get a different thermometer - is it a digital one?


Well, Im shocked not surprised! I have a number for a chemotherapy triage nurse who I MUST ring if temperature goes above 37.5. They are also there for all those minor ailments that we all suffer on chemo as well as the more serious ones. They are so helpful and knowledgeable. If temp does go up then I have to go to GP/oncology unit to have bloods taken. I cant stress enough how seriously they take it. However, Im terrible for forgetting to take my temperature! That might change next week when I start Taxotere though!
Pauline x

Im shocked to. I was told that if my temp went over 37.5 to get to a&e asap. Ive been up there twice since january and been pretty lucky. Couple of infections that antibiotics cleared up, but thats been it.
Im neurotic about my temp…and hot flushes dont help…trying to figure out if your just ‘having a hot’ or if youve got a lurgy growing.
My a&e have been great…go in, flash my card, phonecall made, infection control procedure within seconds (usually mean go back and sit in the car til a nurse comes out, safest place to be apparently)…then taken straight through, needle jabbed in arm, full check up done…wait for an hour for blood results…packed off home with a smile and a take care from the nurses. They take it seriously every time, which is fantastic, and make sure that even if im sat there saying i feel fine, just my temp spiked, they always take the time to reassure me…which I suppose is a rarety in a lot of places.

If it goes up again…go straight to a&e…you cant take the risk chica

Hi girls
I have just come out of hospital after being in isolation following temperature over 38. I was shivering and so cold one night last week. I had to wear a fleece in bed with extra duvet and OH filled a hot water bottle. We almost went to A & E but eventually I stopped shaking and my teeth stopped chattering and I got back to sleep. Phoned the hospital next morning and was admitted as neutropenic and put on IVantibiotic and fluid. I have some oral antibiotics to take at home and the onc mentioned GCSF injections, but I’m not sure if I will get these. All the doctors and surgeons who have treated me over the last few months do not have English as their first language and although I have every confidence in them, I do not always fully understand what they say! Does anyone else have this problem? I sometimes think it would be useful to have a print out of all blood test results, drugs given and recommendations – a bit like a car’s MOT. My next and final FEC has been delayed until 3rd August. I am terrified this will happen again. Does anyone know how to keep the blood levels up?

Love to all

Red grape juice is one way of boosting them [it has to be red grapes]. Beetroot is another good booster. I used to eat black pudding twice a week to keep the blood count up - it seemed to work.

I do so sympathise about the language problem!