High white blood cells

Has anyone had high white blood cells. I thought they would go down with chemo not up.

I have just spent 4 days in hospital due to a high temp. They said my body was fighting an infection but they did not know where.

I have 2 taxotere left and I will see my onc on 19.5.08. Will see if they can stop them now as I dont want to carry on with them anymore.


Hi Chrissie,

You are right - on chemo the white blood cell count does drop along with all the others, but when the body is fighting infection they increase. That seems to tie in with the fact you have been hospitalised for the last 4 days. It really is such a roller coaster on the chemo! I remember on taxotere saying I just did not want to go one. Has your onc said he will reduce the dose? It has to be better than stopping and may well be worth discussing with him. Hope you start to feel a bit better soon.


The doctor who discharged me said they could stop the last 2 chemos but I will discuss with my onc on monday and see with they say. I will go with whatever they say but I dont want the last two. The last time i went to see them they said they may stop the last one as I have responded so well.