Hip pain = bone mets?

Had WLE, 3 FEC 3 TAX, 30 rads, finished 28th Nov. Am now getting pain in left hip, mostly when I lay down. Could it be bone mets, or woudl it have to be in both hips?

I saw onc on Thurs and he advised an x-ray which I had today. I wasn’t that worried, but after she had checked the film the radiologist asked if I was being sent for a nuclear bone scan, which has worried me even though she said don’t worry! Am I being paranoid?


I have mets to right hip which shows up on an x-ray. A bone scan is more detailed, maybe nothing has shown up on the x-ray and that might be the next step. Its better to have these things checked out and hopefully ruled out. You are not paranoid, its better to have these things looked at. Maybe ring your bcn, I know mine has in the past had results within a day or two and told me over the phone. Try not worry too much, i know its easier said than done.

Take care xxx

I had pain in my left hip when I finished taxotere (also on and off elsewhere). It went away, but took about a year.

I had pain in my right hip and lower back whilst I was on chemo. X-ray showed ‘something’ so then was sent for MRI scan and bone scan which showed only joint deterioration. Scary at the time waiting for results.

You’re not being paranoid…every ache and pain brings the fear of recurrence or spread to the fore

I have pain in both my hips since I had chemo. They ache during the night to the extent that it is impossible to stay in bed sometimes but I have had a bonescan and there wasn’t a problem. The onc has said it will probably be more to do with the lowering of oestrogen levels because of my treatment. I hope yours is the same. XX

Thanks girls. I’m 39 and haven’t had a period since June, so it probably is something to do with lower oestrogen levels. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see, thanks for your help ladies.


Got a letter this morning inviting me for a nuclear bone scan on Tues, so now am terrified but trying to remain calm. Glad it’s so quick, but that also makes me think that there must be something there for me to be seen so quickly.


Hi Kinden

In my experience I’ve found they do arrange scans really quickly. BC nurse told me they try to reduce the time we are waiting as they understand how worried we are. But of course we then worry coz we think they’ve found something. Its better to get seen as quick as possible as you’ve already said and hopefully the results are good and your mind can be put at rest asap.

Take care hun xxx

Good luck on Tuesday kinden, thinking of you and wishing you well. If its any consolation I finished chemo in Oct, am presently having rads and every day I am in pain somewhere, also one of my hips, same leg and knee, shoulders, arms and lower back. I’ve been told its chemo and will take at least 6 months to fade and the pains are always worse at night, so sleepng is difficult.

All the best.

P xxx

Thanks Lynni and peacock. I also finished chemo in Oct and still have taxotere feet and fingers and other aches and pains, which the onc seems vaguely surprised by. I finished my 6wks rads on 28th Nov.

Tuesday can’t come quick enough. Thanks for your support


Still trying to get my head around the new site, but thought I’d let you know that I had the nuclear bone scan yesterday and the radiologist said that it looked clear. What a huge relief for me! Thanks for support girls

Good luck with the new site everyone!!


Ahhhh brilliant, really pleased too hear this.

Take care hun xxx