Hello everyone
A quick question - have you got a copy of your histology report (possibly called pathology report) following your surgery? If so, did you have to ask for it and was it freely given?
At my follow up appointment with the surgeon two weeks after surgery, she basically told me I had wide margins and no lymph involvement, said I’d be referred to an oncologist at a different hospital and then basically ushered me out of the door. I had no time and was in no mental state to think to ask for a copy of the histology report.
Since then, I have asked my oncologist (although I was assigned to the junior registrar whose tactic for deflecting questions she wasn’t comfortable in answering was by saying I had to trust her) for it (surely she must have it!) AND the BC nurse and they both tell me to contact the surgeon who will tell me if I can have it or not. Well, it’s MY data and if I wanted to get adversarial I could do a Data Protection Act Subject Access Request and they’d have to give it to me - not that I would do that - my point is, they should provide me with it if asked as the data is about me. Unfortunately, my surgeon’s office number is never answered and does not have voicemail, so I’m stuck.
I see so many people on this forum taking about this score and that score, I have no idea what mine are or even if I’ve had the tests. I don’t even know what grade my tumour was. So not sure if this should be straight forward or actually no-one gets it. Any clarification would be gratefully received!
Hi Tigress!
I didn’t get a copy of the report either, although I didn’t ask for it. I’ve had to undergo a second round of surgery for DCIS on Tuesday, and was simply told that they didn’t have enough of the clear margin the first time (December), and that they’d have to operate again.
I hope that you manage to get some answers soon
Take care
Hammy xx
Hello ladies
just had a call from my surgeons secretary. My results are in , 1 week early . Got appointment on Friday
. Does this mean it hasn’t been sent for Oncotype testing . It is only 2 weeks since surgery ? Mind once more in overdrive
I had this issue and I wrote a plain letter with questions Theresa from the breast care now team talked me through it.
Its your body, I actually nearly said to the nurse if I had a penis and prostate cancer would I get my information more freely. Do they think women are weak.
I have my questions and letter I will find it ok
Furthermore, do you really think that any patient understands
language such as ‘contralateral’ and normal ‘axillae’ so that GPs
and other women’s or cancer support services are left to explain
more fully to patients instead.
I would like to add without my GP surgery support about this
matter I couldn’t have managed this entire process alone.
Also, why was I in a meeting with a ‘volunteer’ nurse? As a socialist
someone is either in paid employment or not. It made me feel
uncomfortable that I was forcing someone to come in for a meeting
I had requested for simply more clarity.
Q1. How big/what size was the area of cancer via the pathologist
under the microscope?
Q2. What Type of cancer under the microscope to confirm the
real/actual size
Q2. Is there a clear border around its margin?
Q4. Please confirm the grade/type of cell as I was told grade and
stage are two different things altogether.
Q5. Has it spread to any Lymph Nodes? How many Lymph nodes
did they remove?
Q6. Did they show any disease?
Q7. Is there a real pathway plan as described in the hospitals 2021 / 2025 cancer plan after surgery? as I haven’t been told anything?
Additionally, I would like to formally request a copy of the
Pathology Report, so I know the real size images.
Please could you give this matter your attention for me, so I can
find out more clearly what is going on now and in the future. The
questions are for me to understand in straightforward language on
my terms.
At a ‘face to face’ meeting, or in writing in plain language in the