HIstoric postings - who is still active from 2009 postings ?

Forgive  me ladies but Im not being nosey or intrusive but last night with nothing interesting on the tv to watch I started trawling through Secondary Breast Cancer postings back to 2009 and enjoyed reading old postings from some lovely ladies and just wandered how many of you are still " active " on this forum and what treatments you are having to keep you so well . 


I was only dx with bone mets in October 2015 and still in that settling in period of shock - just interested in various treatment options  and positive stories from the experienced ladies here that have been so positive and focused. 


Denosumab Xgeva seems to be highly praised ( Im starting mine on Tuesday ) and it seems to have only been available to all the past three years. 


Carolyn xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hi Carolyn, 

It would be great to see some of our users who have been using the forum for a few years answering this post. I agree that the support shown on forum threads shows just how lovely our users are. I am sure you will be getting some support from users soon.

In the meantime if you would ever like to talk anything through you can call our support line at 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant 

Hi Carolyn, I have just spotted your post - I normally only look at the bone mets thread where everyone with mets seems to chat. I am one of those that has been around for some time and joined this site back in March 2006 when I first discovered the internet - bit of a late starter but been making up for it since. I was actually first diagnosed with primary breast cancer in 1990 and over the next 12 years had several recurrences/new primaries and then in 2002 with secondaries - extensive bone mets. Most of my ‘primary experiences’ were pre the discovery of her2/herceptin so I was treated with various chemos for the first 12 years, then bisphosphonates from 2002 and herceptin from 2004-2014. In 2014 I was switched to Kadcyla (TDM-1) but recently have been struggling with that as my platelets don’t bounce back very readily.


I think there are a few more who have been around pre 2009 who are still posting but I can’t remember names that well so hopefully a few more might spot our posts and add to them now.




Thought I would post on this again to bring it up on the board as I was surprised so few posted to it but no doubt if you are a long term survivor you are all too busy absailing and bungee jumping to read the boards !!

I must confess that I didnt post from 2006 to 2015 when I was in remission and it was only dx with bone mets in October 2015 that brought me back to this site.

Carolyn xxxxx