

hiya hey ladies
I had my mastectomy in dec 06. Im halfway through chemo now…woohoo. So am in the process of preparing skin for radiotherapy as you do.
Ive been playing with the idea of having recon done. Ive still got a long time to go yet…and if i was to have it done it wouldnt be til sometime next year.
I like the sound of having a bum/boob purely for the amusement factor, as im that twisted. That and the fact I wouldnt be able to see the scarring cos even im not that bendy anymore. I dont like the sound of the back muscle one or the tummy one…even if it does come with a tummy tuck.
I would greatly appreciate any advice on the subject if you wouldnt mind. Im a happy, confident person anyway, with no major body hangups (apart from the who did i inherit my bum off which we all get lol). Anyway, im waffling now, so will catch u later.

Hiya Buttons Id given the bum boob a thought for a while…however saw a couple of pictures and it appeared but i may be wrong, but for one boob they just use one side…didnt want to end uo with one pert bum and one still a bit saggy bum…i could be wrong tho…hopefully theyll take a bit from each side…im going for tum boob on 10th May…as still have saggy mum tum after 2 kids in 2 years!!! Not looking forward to huge scar tho…
Good luck with your decision and rest of your chemo.
Anna x