HO HUM its that time again!; )

Morning All,

I hope everyone is well! Thank you for all the birtjday wishes! and yes I did shop shop shop! But I think that I over did it as all I wanted to do yesterday was chill nap and rest! Hence why I did not log on yesterday! All went well.

I need some advice!! my last chemo is on the 27th Nov and I am worried that the consultant will put me on Taxotere but I think that I should push for the op as I think it has shrunk enough! what do you reckon I should do??? I am concerned that as it is so close to xmas they might put me on tax for the sake of it instead of after! or am I just being paranoid again!

Will individually catch up with everyone laters! xx


;( Mel

Hi Mel
There was a point when they were telling me I should have 3xFEC and then 6xTax, after 3xFEC I was ready to beg not to have 6 more doses of chemo - although Tax does have that ‘poleaxed’ affect, I still think it was better than FEC as I was really nauseous and sick with FEC and you don’t get that with Tax. I know Dawn has found the Tax harder, and yet again it seems very individual. All I can tell you is that I also felt I had a sufficient response to the FEC and now I can hardly find the lump. My Onc agreed it was a success, but if he had recommended 3 more Tax, I would have taken them as I am Triple Neg and can’t have any hormone/herceptin drugs when Rads are over. Go with your instinct, I think you can have a say in the treatment too.
Hope you manage to come to the right decision for you by talking it through with your Doctors.
Good luck
Hugs to you

Hi Ali,
I am HER2+ so I am not sure what the Tax will do what the FEC has not already done!!! Getting really worked up and have heard that Dr Scoble even though an excellent consultant but he is a hard person to reason with!!! HO HUM!


Hi Mel
IWhen I saw your comments above I thought I had to reply to you. Please do some research into Taxotere as it meant to be the best and used to be used just for people who had secondaries but is now used in primary breast cancer in combination with herceptin with excellent results. I have just completed 3 lots of FEC and 3 lots of taxotere combined with herceptin and even though my BC has spread into my lymph nodes my oncologist is considering my treatment to be curative. Taxotere is supposed to be the best thing you can get - my lumps shrunk on FEC and have softened up more since taxotere and herceptin which is supposed to “kill all known germs dead!”. Taxotere is very expensive and so is herceptin and you should def try and get it if you can. I now have an operation in 3-4 weeks time and herceptin for a year.
Good luck with whatever you decide.

Hi Mel

Sorry you are feeling so undecided. I shouldn’t really intervene as I did it the other way round - surgery first, then chemo etc etc. But you don’t know yet what he is going to say. And you do have time to do some research. What RebzAmy says sounds really sensible to me - get all the treatment you can. You could perhaps phone the nurses on this site?

Good luck and much love


just to add a comment (although maybe you are wishing people would drop it now!), there are studies i think which show that Tax does particularly well with HER2 positive tumours. i know one recent study was reported on breastcancer.org - maybe check that out?
Good luck with your decision.

Hi All,

Thanks for advice, I think I am getting into a tizwaz(remember that programme hehe) and I am just impatient!

Anyway enough about me how is everyone, I have noticed that not many have been on over the weekened so I hope that you are all ok and enjoying the little sun we have and all the bonfire parties!!!

Lost track what everyone is doing so lets update soon ned some normallity as it is HO HUM day on thursday (FEC no: 5)
Well I am off for a walk on cannock Chase in a minute I love it on there this time of year it really is beautiful!

Again I hope all are well xx
Hugs & giggles


Mornin’ All

I am getting ready for that ‘hit by a bus’ sensation after the last Tax on Friday. Mother-in-law is coming up tomorrow from Hampshire to help out as it is normally Mon/Tues/Weds where it all goes a bit pear shaped. Still last time eh? We went to friends last night just for a couple of hours to have fireworks in the garden, home by 8pm and bed before 10pm - ooh the excitement!!!
Off to some close friends today for yum yum sunday lunch, so nice no cooking for me this weekend!
I am meeting up with Anna from BCPals on Thursday - she lives about 10 miles from me and has just started a Reconstruction support group in Norwich - I am really looking forward to meeting her as we have spoken quite a bit and it will be good to talk to someone in detail about everything, including the pending ‘big op’. Just wish I could catch up with some of you guys too…maybe one day huh?

Anyway, that’s me, how are you all? Mel I also meant to say, don’t be paranoid about them giving you Tax to ‘fit in’ with their agenda, it is £1200 a go, so they don’t give it away lightly!!! Hope some of the advice has helped a teensy bit! Enjoy the walk, sounds lovely.

Any news Kelly, house or otherwise? Isn’t it Rads tomorrow? Good luck with that Hun.

How are you Dawn, hopefully coming through the Tax now…let us know how you are.

Dilys, you must be almost back to top form by now - and ready for the big inflation…

Lesleys/Lynne/Lee - you OK girls?

Considering getting out of PJ’s now so I’ll say TTFN.

Love and hugs to all

Hi Everyone

Yeah we have been a bit quiet haven’t we. Good luck with the next chemo Ali, and enjoy your no cooking weekend. Sounds good. And Dawn how goes it with you after the last poisoning? I am ok - just still have the runny eyes and embarrassing runny nose. Think some eyelashes might help. Other than that not too bad at all. Blood test on Tuesday to see if I can be inflated on Wednesday, and then herceptin on Thursday. It is such a social whirl, isn’t it?

Kelly - any news on the house yet? And Lesleys and Lynne and Lee - how are you doing? Hope all is well.

Going to the cinema tomorrow to see Elizabeth before the hospital onslaught starts!

Much love


Hi Everyone

Just having a quick look through as starting to come out the otherside of the tunnel again … after last tax. Am better than last time though, but as knew what could happen, have been taking it easy (well as easy as I can), OH took daughter to preschool and I have not really been out of the house since Wednesday, apart from shooting to Lakeside Friday morn for another 4th birthday pressie (party tomorrow) and no way was I going near this weekend!!!

Body aching again, but taking ibuprofen and been sleeping like a baby thankfully. Mouth is yuk again though, and got couple of ulcers now I think, but mainly thrush and although using 3 different mouth things, doesn’t seem to do much.

Anyway, enough of the self pity - least I am ok and fighting back.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Dilys hope all goes well with the bloods this week, and you manage to get your inflation … can’t be nice having it postponed, when all you wanna do is get on with it. Good luck with Herceptin too - hopefully find out about that for me soon too … although not holding my breath, gotta wait for the FISH results now. Hope you are good though and not having too busy a week this week. Any good tips on the mouth, send them through.

Ali, hope you are good and having a great weekend with your little one. Keep you busy don’t they. Can’t believe Jack will be 1 in a weeks time, where has the year gone and he is such a cheeky monkey. I am doing OK, pretty knackered actually, but made sure I have not overdone things like last time. And so far, so good, but still feel so tired …

Mel, glad you had great birthday and hope you enjoyed your walk today, was a lovely day for it. Hows things going with you and did you sort out the DLA. Good luck this week too with bloods and your chemo, hopefully all will go smoothly for you.

Kelly, well not gonna ask you, wait til you tell, but hoping things going ok with the house. Trying to sell is a nightmare and so out of your control that it can be stressful. Hope you are coping OK with it, and not letting it get to you if not getting too many viewings or offers. Keeping everything crossed. Do you start rads this week too, lost the plot a little, but am sure you are doing something this week, but whatever it is, hopefully goes OK.

To the 2 Lesleys, Lee and Lynne, I hope you are all having a great weekend and doing some fun things. Lee think you had chemo again last week, but forgive me if you didn’t. Brain not up to speed right now.

Hope everyone is enjoying the fireworks if you are participating. Not done too much myself, although supposedly letting a few off tonight, we shall see.

Take care everyone and catch up with you all very soon and sorry if I have missed anyone off the list.

Lots of Love

Hi Ladies,

Sorry not been on this weekend really - have been pretty busy over the weekend, I will fill you in anyone is interested?

I had nephew(14) all day Saturday as OH was in Newcastle christmas shopping. My sis was telling me hes been an emotional/unpredictable/full of boy attitude over the past few weeks which my guess is hes nearing to beoming a little man and every emotion/feeling is sensitive right now so I figured as Im usually working or spending time with OH we would get together and have some fun time which was really good fun and when OH came home we took him to a firework display…

Today, took mum to Catterick & Richmond to have a browse around the Market Square so had a lovely time. Me and OH are getting ready to start our healthy eating days tomorrow as she starts her diest - i dont do diets at the min so im just going to support her at home and eat as much rubbish as I can at work.LOL soooo as tonight is our last night of greed…where do you suppose Im off to tonight…yup - a curry.LOL

Hoping all you ladies are well, wont name individuals as Im dashing about trying to get house work done before back to work tomorrow. EC number 5 on Wed - really not looking forward to it as i was knocked sooo much last one, plus my arm/vein is shot to bits and dont have strong viens in hand so I dread to think were we will find one?

Anyway ladies much love and will try and catch up with you all 2morow.

Love Lynne.x

Good Morning everyone,

Monday morning is here and the coffee is yum! We had a nice weekend… went out for meals both days so no cooking over the weekend…which makes for nice days.

I have this crazy earache… just hits ever couple minutes and makes u say “ouch” No fever so I doubt it is an infection… only in one year. I really don’t know what to do as I have never had earache as I recall. Been putting warm washcloths… flannel… that seems to just feel good but no lasting effect. Should I call breast care nurse or regular GP? Gosh always something to think about. Everytime I get something out of the norm I come to this site… get all good info here!!

Dawn I am day 11 after 4th FEC… start my taxotere/herceptin Nov 15th… little scared but know it is the right treatment after all I have read. I am her2pos with node underarm detected so it seems this is the right approach.

I hope all of you had a fabulous weekend!

*big hug*
Lee xx

that’s “only one ear” not year… We need an edit button on here for ppl like me that are too lazy to reread before hitting add you comments…hehe

Hi Everyone

Know what you mean Lee. I can never get the spell check on this to work either. Earache? Haven’t come across that one yet!

Dawn - glad you are up and about again my love. I found taking it easy the best way to cope as well. Am still tired after the last one but thankng god I don’t have to do it again. What are FISH results then? I’ll let you know how herceptin goes on its own on Thursday but I am not expecting any trouble! More worried about the inflation now that it is becoming a reality.

Lynne - sounds as if you had a good weekend. Lovely part of the country. You are all starting to panic me as I have only bought one Christmas present so far!

Kelly I am not asking!

Ali - how are you feeling? Hope your mother in law is there safely to look after you.

Lesleys and anyone I have forgotten - happy Monday!

Much love


Hi Everyone

Hope your all OK, I’m not very good at listing you all and dont want to leave anyone out.

I was good first thing this morning but the district nurse came, to look at my line as I thought I had and infection m(luckily not) but she told me I was doing well etc., and started me off crying etc., Oh well my aim this week is not to cry anymore this week!!!

I have a friend coming over tomorrow morning and going to fit an evening out with some of my colleagues this week as I have chemo number 3 Wednesday week I hope that one is going to be better than this one, I feel out of control this time and as my doctor say I am a “control freak!!”(hes a great laugh and knows me very well) and then said perhaps not a freak!!!. just like being in control but reading a lot of the threads no 2 sessions of chemo seem the same I live in hope.

Love to you all


Hi Girls

Hope you’re all ok this cold dreary Monday - where’s the lovely weather gone ?? Had quite a nice weekend here in Peterborough - convinced my hubby to take me shopping (Saturday AND Sunday) as I’m still not allowed to drive and therefore can’t get out much - aaaaahhhh!!! Hair is coming through fast now, so I may well ditch the bandana next time I go shopping - and if anyone stares, l’ll just smile sweetly !

Oh Lesley, sorry to hear you’ve had a few tears today - hope you’re feeling ok now xxx

Dilys - so you should be joining the “Inflation Club” Wednesday then ? It’ll be fine - honest !! (says the girl with a boob that hits her chin…) xxx

Everybody else - hope you all had lovely weekends, and good luck with your treatments this week.

Lots of love to you all

Julie xxx

Hi Everyone

Sunshine back again thank god, and my bloods passed the test this morning! So yes indeed Julie, I’ll be joinng you tomorrow. And great news about your hair. Remind me when you finished chemo? I am still living in hope. Is it the inflation stopping you driving or what? Can’t fit behind the steering wheel???

Hope everyone else is ok? We have been a bit quiet recently, so I hope everyone isn’t suffering too much.

Lots of love


Hi Dilys

You’re right - it has been quiet over the past few days - where is everyone ?

Glad to hear your bloods passed the test this morning and you’re being inflated tomorrow ! Please don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Yes the inflation has stopped me driving, but I should be okay for next week - fingers crossed. I’m going out of my mind with boredom, and I need my car !!! Cheeky devil, yes I can fit behind the steering wheel ! (I think…)

Thought my hair was coming along fine until this afternoon (read my new thread “out of the mouths of babes”), and I even had to get my eyebrows waxed on Saturday - they’d come through so thick and fast that I was being mistaken for Denis Healey !!! My last chemo was 31st August by the way.

Anyway Dilys my love, good luck for tomorrow - let us know how it goes.

And all the rest of you girls - where are you ? Are you all ok ?

Love to all

Julie xxx

Hi All

Dilys, good luck with chemo and the inflation. I hope that everything goes smoothly for you and that there is no pain etc, and you are OK. Let us know how you get on.

Everyone else, where are you all? I am doing OK. Mouth is S**T - it is awful and the two new mouthwash things don’t seem to be doing much at all. Don’t stop me eating though, and am PILING on the pounds I can tell you. Gonna have to see if there is something else I can try though, as getting me down a bit. As I said above, I have come through this one not as bad as the first, as learnt my lesson and took things easy all weekend.

We rang my onc last week to find out about scans and apointments, as we got one through for 19 December, and NO WAY am I waiting til then to find out what is happening, as my last Tax is on 21st November. Anyway, to cut a long story short, they rang back today (nearly fell off my chair, as didn’t think they would) and we now have an appointment for next Wednesday 14th Nov, and they have put in for another ct scan on liver. Am now s******g myself and getting all worried about it, but hey, least I will know whats what and what happens next. And if we don’t get all the answers we want or my onc is not committing himself, we will go for second opinion.

Enough about me …

Mel I hope you are good and that the bloods are OK for your chemo on Thursday … and that you are doing well. Not seen you posting at all recently, so hoping that you are not sick or anything and the children are all doing OK, and the OH too of course. Maybe you partied too much last week!!!

All the L’s - hope you are all doing OK and having a good week so far. Let us know how you are all doing.

Kelly, where have you gone …

Anyone and everyone else, hope all you lovely ladies are doing well and enjoying the week whatever you may be up to. Anyone having chemo, appointments, inflations etc, good luck and let us know how you are doing.

Had another 4th birthday party last night, and got another invite today, can’t believe how many we have to go to. My little boy is 1 next Tuesday and then 3 weeks later my daughter will be 4 … cannot believe how quick the time has gone. So am gonna be a busy bee for the next few weeks sorting out get togethers and parties!!! Wish me luck …,…

Take care all and catch up with you all soon

Lots of Love

Hi ladies,

Sorry for not being on Laptop problems, hopefully they are now sorted! Got the dreaded consultants tomorrow grrrrrrrrrrr then chemo no 5 depending on bloods then hopefully one left to go which if all goes according to plan and no delays should be on the 27th Nov. Not sure what will happen after that!! will have to see what is said tomorrow…

Dilys - glad bloods are ok pump em up gal! hope all goes well fingers x

Julie - I cant wait for my hair to grow back so I can join everyone else moaning about bad hair days!!!

Kelly - where are you need an update, the suspense is driving me mad!!!

Dawn - I hope that you are ok and Tax is not knox=cking you around! How many more have you got?

Lee - will also be on herceptin but not till next year so keep us updated and let us know how you get on!

Ali, Lesley x 2 and anyone else hope you are all ok and that the sunshine today cheered everyone up!

Take care all and will let you know what consultant says tomorrow - probabaly will need advice after!!

