Yipeee wow kelly,
Got everything crossed for you!
Hope everyone ok! Im doing ok! I think just a bit emotionally messed up - but nothing unusual.
Hugs to all
Yipeee wow kelly,
Got everything crossed for you!
Hope everyone ok! Im doing ok! I think just a bit emotionally messed up - but nothing unusual.
Hugs to all
Just a quickie, as lots to do for Halloween Party!!!
Thought I would let you know that my Mum is OK, thank god for that. It is only a Fibroadenoma, no treatment required. I am more relieved than she is…she was so unworried by the whole thing. When we walked out of the hospital she was like ‘see told you it was nothing, I wasn’t worried at all’. I am just thankful she hasn’t got to go through it, and more importantly I haven’t got to look after her and I can get on with MY year next year.
Will catch up tomorrow properly.
Love and hugs, and thanks to you all for your concern.
Hi All
Mine is just a quickie too
Congratulations Kelly - keeping evrything crossed your get a decent offer and accept … let us know.
Ali - great news on your mum, so pleased for you both, and good for you too, as not got the double worry.
Mel, take it easy honey, sounds like you need to rest a bit more and try to get yourself back on an even keel.
Gotta go and pick muppet up soon from school and got 2nd taxotere today at 1.30 pm, so bit of a mad rush going on. Just wrapped Jacks 1st birthday pressies up as birthday a week on tuesday but being organised.
Mel, also forgot to wish your daughter a happy birthday think it was monday, or am I mad!!! And in case not feeling too good tomorrow just wanted to wish you a happy birthday for tomorrow too. Hope got that right as well.
Dilys, 2 Lesleys, Lynne and everyone else, hope you are all ok and catch up hopefully tomorrow, if not been kicked all over again.
Take care, enjoy the sunshine and have fun.
Lots of Love
Hi Everyone
Such good news Kelly. That is great about your house sale. You must be so chuffed. So are we!
And Ali - what a relief aout your mum. Thank goodness.
Dawn - hope it goes well today and you don’t feel too bad afterwards.
Mel - do try to take it easy!
Have been out shopping with my husband today and talked him in to not one but two coats! A major first. Not too expensive either, and found in the first shop we went into. Nice thick shower proof one, and smarter black wool one. I was happy that we got them (as is he) and he was happy that it took only one shop! I spared him the rest of Romford and we had a nice lunch and tootled home.
In a rush now as a friend is comng round soon, so more tomorrow.
Loads of love
Hi All
Dear all thanks for keeping everything crossed it workde. Bloods up to 1.3 so they gave me chemo, i now have bags of steriod energy and have managed to deal with blown fuses (house in total darkness trying to fix it with a torch) and youngest tried to climb up shelves in wardrobe to reach something and collapsed them. But i got chemo so i am calm.
Nearly run out of sweets so about to close my curtains and blow out the pumpkins.
Hope you have all had a good halloween and all is well. No work tomorow so hope to catch up with all the posts and write a longer reply
Take care
Hi Lesley
So pleased for you. Enjoy the steroid high, and sorry about the blown fuses! Right now you can dealwith ANYTHING remember!
Love to all
Morning Ladies,
Just a quickie before I go and spend my birthday money!!! which other half does not know that I am doing as he is asleep due to working nights ooops I m sure tat he will forgive me!
Hope everyone had a good halloween we had some fun! I went as fester I did no wig or hat or bandana it felt weird but good in a weirder kind of way! if you understand what i mean…
Dawn I hope that you are ok after your tax yesterday.
Lesley - dont you just love the steriod high but I hate how I feel when it wheres off!
Kelly - Hope its a good offer! Stick to your guns!!
Ali - I am so so pleased about your mum and thankful for you! now as you said you can concentrate and you!!!
I had a bit of a feel for the lump last night and guess what - I could only feel a large marble size so I am hoping that the big 10cm mass is nearly gone, but I am not getting my hopes up!!!
Well off to drop the kids off at school and go and spend my birthday bald, fatter, and 35 with some friends around the shops, so Kelly if you are in Telford look out for the mad bald one!!!
Love and hugs to all!!!
Enjoy your day nice and sunny but brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Happy Birthday Mel, have a great day shopping - make sure you treat yourself to something nice. Good news about the lump, I think you are the best judge (apart from the MRI scanner of course!!!) - I felt mine had gone down alot, and when I had my scan it had reduced to 2.4 cm from 6cm. What a great birthday pressie if it has shrunk as much as you think.
Good news on the house Kelly, that is well exciting. Hope you get a good offer - keep us posted.
LesleyHe and Dawn - hope your chemo went OK girls, enjoying that steroid high and that oh so nice red cheek look!!!??
Dilys - shopping for you too yesterday, I am feeling left out. Gonna get this last Tax out of the way tomorrow, then hit the shops BIG time. I will need to get a job soon the money I plan to spend next year!!
T’other Lesley and Lynne - are you both OK?
We had the Halloween Party last night, eight screaming 5yr olds and one screaming toddler (mine)…poor Thomas he was sooo scared because of the noise and the scary costumes, he clung to me for the entire 2 hours - not helpful when trying to organise games, cook tea and my husband was late home too!!! I was still making chocolate spiders (out of marshmallows) with only 30 mins to spare, talk about stress yourself out!!! Still we had fun (or rather they did) and Emily loved having them all round - but God was I knackered after all that!!! I will think twice next year before offering to do that again!
Have a good day today, I am off for pre-chemo bloods in a little while and quietly panicking in case I have overdone things and they are too low for tomorrow - don’t wanna delay the last one!!
Love and hugs
Hi Lsdies
Sorry I havent been on the thread the 2nd chemo really floored me, I wasn’t sick but felt so tired.
I am now starting to feel better, started having afternoon naps which have really helped.
Happy Birthday Mel!!
Having my line flushed this afternoon!!! and then my daughter is taking me for a coffee
Have a good day Ladies
Hi All,
Am I the only one that doesnt get a steroid high?
Mel - Happy Birthday!!! I take it your gonna spend spend spend?LOL
Ali - my god woman, I dont have that much energy anyway let alone on chemo! you seemed to have had a good time though or should I say the kids.LOL
Kelly - How is the house/offers coming along? Any more good news?
LesleyHe - Hoping your ok after chemo, glad your bloods were ok.
Dawn - How are you after chemo? Hoping all well.
Dilys - Succesful shopping trip I see…
Well, I am trying to get half a day holiday today - normal practice is to give 2 weeks notice for any holidays so I think I have 2 hopes of getting a half day! Im soooooo tired.
We didnt get in from work until half 6ish then my sis and her two landed on my door step dressed in there costumes five minutes after we got in - they left at half 8, then had a shower whilst my OH had a fight on the telephone with SKY - by the time that was sorted at 9.40pm I couldnt be bothered to cook so we ate cheese on toast at 10.00 and I was asleep by 10.15! Oh how exciting us young ones are!
I could just do with going home for a nice cuppa and doing sod all! ha ha - no such luck me thinks.
Julie41 & LeeUK - long time no speak, hoping all well.
If I have forgotten anyone, apologies Im tired… ;-/
Hey girlies… wow lots going on. this has been my easiest Fec chemo…have felt really well since day 3… yipee! U know what? I don’t boohoo much anymore either…
why dont all of you come over for a cuppa tea… we could have some fun chatting all day!!!
Happy Birthday dear Mel…happy birthday to you!
Lots of love and big hug,
Hi Everyone
Well No.5 chemo done and dusted. Long day though. You all ready for the epic tale … no … oh well, gonna tell you all anyway.
Got to the hospital at 1.20 only to find out that the chemo ward quick blood test machine was broken, and although they called everyone on Tuesday to tell them, funnily enough, never got through to me or left a msg. So had to have full blown blood test and wait 40 mins for that to come back, then another 20 mins or so for drug to be made up. So eventually started about 3pm. Think everyones drips on a mega go slow as took forever to go through and apparently my vein they got the cannula in was a dinky one … so probably didn’t help!!! Eventually got out about 5.15 and got home about 6.10. Long old day and made me feel knackered. They forgot to give me one of my tablets too - oral one - and good job I asked, but they are so nice the chemo nurses!!!
Anyway, not feeling too bad today. Got another 2 different mouth washes, now added one called Difflam and another yellowy one for thrush which has a bit of marzipan taste, so heres hoping, although starting to feel a little bit odd in the mouth. No aches or pains yet, but waiting for them to kick in, but told to take ibruprofen and to also take my Senna tabs to stop me getting constipated. Think I rattle when walk.
My little girl had a fab day out with her best friend yesterday and also went trick and treating with her and came back with a bucket full of sweeties … yummy. My little boy was good as gold to for my neighbour, just feel so quilty when takes so long.
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL - hope you have a fab day shopping and spending lots and lots of money. Go girl and spoil yourself, you deserve it.
Kelly any more news on your house … still keeping everything crossed you know.
Lee, glad to hear that you are doing ok after your FEC, long may it continue.
Ali, wow, did you party sound great, bet the kids absolutely loved it, apart from Thomas, ahh bless him. Sounds like you were amazing though and good on you for doing it. I had no energy last night, so good job my friend had Sophie.
Lesley, hope you are ok today and you get your line flushed OK too without too much hassle.
Dilys, hope you are doing well, not sure what you are up to, as not really read all through the thread today, as too many to catch up from since Tuesday, as not been on much really since Monday. But hope you are good and not overdoing things.
Anyway, hope everyone else I have not mentioned are good, but gotta go, as little boy trashing his cot and starting to get agitated.
Speak later and take care all. Keep everything crossed for me, that don’t suffer as much as last time on tax.
Lots of love
Hallo All
Happy Birthday Mel. Hope you find something really great and spoil yourself.
Dawn - well done with the epic chemo. Everything crossed for you this end.
Ali - how do you do it? Soounds a brilliant party (but poor little boy!!). Hope you get the all clear with your bloods.
Lee - well done with the FEC. Long may you continue well.
Lesley - so glad you are feeling better again.
Lynne - have a few days off!
I am fine. Throwing off the tiredness a bit now so have spent an exciting morning cleaning the kitchen and bathroom ready for the arrival of my sister in law tomorrow. Think I might summon up the strength to feed her! She has been a real star over all this. Nothing much else happening at the moment, but the sun is out again which is brilliant.
Loads of love
Kelly - how is the house sale? You will get tired of us all asking!
Hi All,
Ali don’t know how you did it, hats off to you. I am arranging birthday parties for November and December for 2 daughters, they will be of the house with minimal work though.
Mel - Happy Birthday, enjoy your shopping I take it your gonna spend spend spend?LOL
Dawn sounds like an epic day, glad you got chemo eventually and hope sypmtoms arent too bad. I have been using Difflam and its helped.
Kelly have you has another offer yet, fingres crossed
Dilys you have put me to shame, despite streiod high i have left all my cleaning for my lady that does tomorrow. Busy getting kids stuff organised for Friday, Saturday as i am away overnight.
Lynne sounds like you have had a busy night hope you have a more relaxing day today and that all is well
Lee it would be great if we were all closer and could meet up for cake and coffee, think we could talk all day.
Julie41 hope all is well and you are having a good day
Got my interview date through for new job, next Wednesday afternoon. Job is with the same company so all my sickness and holiday entitlements will be protected, no one lese has appiled, person spec was quite specific so fingers crossed everyone.
Have a good night and weekend at younger women’s forum Friday, Saturday so wont logg on to Sat night Sunday.
Take care all
Hi all
Lesley - fingers crossed for the job interview. Take it easy and go for it. Can you send me your lady who does? My house is so small I have always been embarrassed by the very idea, but even I can see where it could be cleaner. Specially now I am not working 14 hours a day! Have a great time at the forum!
Much love to all
Hi Girls
Just wanted to drop you a quick line before I log off and get some lunch…
Mel - Happy Birthday for yesterday !!!
Lesley - Good luck with the interview - sounds as if its “in the bag” though !
Lee - I totally agree - how good would it be if we could all get together properly - yours this week, mine the next, down to Dilys in London, then back up to Lynne oop north, then over to Kellys new house…we’ll just have to arrange a weekend away sometime, that would be brilliant !
Dawn - hope your chemo isn’t treating you too bad, and I know what you mean about rattling - I think I’ve take more drugs (prescriptive obviously!) in the last seven months than I’ve taken in my whole 42 years !
Anyway girls, I’m off for my Rads Planning later today so wish me luck.
To anyone I’ve missed out, sorry but you know I love ya !
Hugs all round
Julie xx
Hi Ladies,
For our coffee and cake session, I have a map in front of me and I will blindfold myself and play something similar to pin the tail on the donkey - but I will find us a destination on the map for us to meet…ready…well what a coincidence…it happened to be my hometown…Get your coats ladies and head up north and join me for a curry!LOL
Sorry, I seem to be in a mad mood today!LOL
Julie41 - hope your planning goes well.
Lesley - hoping the interview goes well for you, Im sure it will & have a good weekend.
Dawn - sounds like you had a bit of a ar*e on at the hospital! Hoping your well.
Kelly - any house news???
Mel - did you spend spend spend your birthday cash?
Ali, Lee and Lesley50 - Hope your well too.
Have a good day ladies.
Hi Girls
Back from hospital - ALL DONE - YAY!!! No more chemo…YAY!!! I can’t believe it is over. I feel kinda weird - not many of the usual nurses there today, so no big emotional goodbye. Cannula went in first time which i wasn’t expecting after yesterday’s fiasco over a blood test.
So I have 4 weeks now before surgery, feel like I have some kind of temporary reprieve.
Hope you are all OK, Mel did you have a good spending spree? Hope so.
Would love to come and visit Lynne - but a bit of a treck from Norfolk - if you’ve ever been here, it takes almost as long to get out of Norfolk as it does to do the rest of the journey!!! It would be great if we could all meet up sometime, I have been wondering whether to go to the Younger Womens Forum in Birmingham as there probably won’tbeone any closer than there or London for me.
Hope the job interview is/was OK Lesley. Good luck with that.
Hope the Tax has not floored you again too badly, gizza update when you can.
Hope everyone else is OK and feeling fine.
Love n hugs
Hi ladies,
Just a quickie from me I’m afraid!
Mel - I’m so sorry I missed your birthday, just didn’t have a mo to log on yesterday. Anyway, MANY HAPPY RETURNS for yesterday, you’re as old as me now!!! Have put my name forward for the younger womens’ forum, should be good.
Ali - Awesome news about finishing chemo, well done you! I’m 3 weeks on now and am starting to feel v.g. now, quite ‘normal’. My appetite has pretty much got back to normal now too, thank goodness!! I no longer feel the need to scoff everything in site! Great news about your mum, nice one, what a relief.
Apologies to eveyone else for not addressing you individually, gotta go out v.soon. Hope you are all well though!!
Well, WHAT A BL**DY NIGHTMARE this house selling lark is!!! Nothing is ever easy is it!!! We’ve had 2 really cheeky offers, which is v.disappointing to be honest, especially as our house is up for considerably less than it should be!!! Have naturally turned them both down, but may have to reconsider if we don’t get any ‘bites’ over the weekend. Wimpey have been great and will help us financially as much as they can. So, its fingers and toes crossed once again!!! Started Tamoxifen yesterday, scary stuff!!! Rads on Monday!!
Hi to all, and I’m so sorry I’ve neglected you over the past couple of days!
Take care,
Hi All
Kelly - so sorry buyers are mucking about. You wait for the right offer my love.
Ali - brilliant you have joined us in the chemo survivor club. Isn’t it great? Apart from the dripping nose and eyes I now feel relatively ok two weeks on. Looking forward to just herceptin next week.
Have had a lovely day. My much loved sister in law was over for lunch - she is off tomorrow to see her eldest daughter in Paris who came off a Vespa and broke her leg really badly. She has been brillliant with me over all this and is so busy I much appreciate what she does.
Loads of love to all