Hi ladies,
Thank you for all your good wishes. Well it wasn’t quite my final CMF yesterday but it was my final day 1, yippee!!! Got my final session next weds at 10.30 (bloods permitting of course!). Would you believe everything has always run like clockwork until yesterday. I went to book in at reception and noticed my name was down for 3pm!!! They had booked me in twice for some reason, realised the mistake and crossed out my 10.30 appt!! We live 30 mins away from the hosp and I was hoping and praying we wouldn’t have to go away again then come back later as I’d ‘psyched myself up’!! The lovely sister said it was no prob at all and of course they would see me immediately which was great. It meant I had to wait a while for my chemo to arrive but we were all having a chuckle on the unit so it wasn’t a problem.
I was chuffed to bits as all the staff commented on my hair. I didn’t think it was that long but they could not believe how much hair I had. They said especially as I had accelerated Epi so my treatment is 4 weeks shorter than others. I couldn’t smile wide enough!!! Been putting my hair serum on with pride! Having nearly always been a ‘long haired person’ I never thought I’d be so chuffed with my short crop style!!!
Felt exhausted yesterday which is unusual for me, but I just went with it and sprawled out on the sofa! Went out with a one of my best friends on Tues so I guess this could’ve had a knock on effect. The staff on the unit said to me yesterday how I won’t believe how ‘well’ I feel soon as the chemo is finally out of my system. Although I think I have felt not too bad for the most part they said its only when I finish that I’ll actually realise how sh*t I really felt!! So, onwards and upwards, here’s to next weds!!!
Anyway, enough of me. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the lovely sunshine that had blessed us today. I’ve been up since the crack of sparrows but am still sat in my dressing gown, lazy cow that I am!! OH is off to the golf club in a mo for a practice, I never ever go out the day after my treatment so I intend to chill out with Fern & Phil! Blimey, that was back to me again!!!
Mel - I totally understand how you are feeling, I worry about every single ache and pain I get! I have had a lot recently but found it this was due to the way I was sleeping. Since I’ve sorted that I seem to be ok now, perhaps it is something like that for you? I am sure it is nothing sinister and that you’ve prob just hurt it when you’ve bent down or something and hadn’t even realised at the time. I had shoulder ache for ages then realised it was due to playing golf on the nintendo wii!! It took a good couple of weeks to go!
Dilys - Are you still the cleansed and toned one??? Tell you what your hair will be coming back before you know it! Good on 'ya for getting to the local supermarket, don’t be putting yourself down by saying that its only 2 minutes away!!! Its more than I do some days!!
Dawn - Wishing you all the very best for your scan today. Blimey its in 20 mins!! I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed for you already, do let us know how you get on.
Lee - I don’t blame you for having lazy days when the weather is poo like it has been. I never need an excuse to have a lazy day at the mo though, shame on me!!
Take care all and enjoy your day whatever you do. I expect Dilys is just rising from her slumber!!! LOL!!!