HO HUM its that time again!; )

Morning All,

Guess whos got the jelly legs!!!

Had a better night - just a little bit of a panic attack - I dont think that it is sinking in properly that this will be me for a long time! But on a good note no more gastric wars and Ive worked it out that by the time I will be able to go back to work I would have had two pay rises hols entitlement increased and a wiser head (hopefully she says)

Hope that you are al ok and no side effects.

Dilys - hope your docs go ok!
Dawn - hope ou got my emails ok
Kelly - hope you got your internet connection sorted - got to go and sort my ittle sisters computer out! Ho Hum…

Cant believe how cold it is - need to get them woolly hats out soon gals!

Trying to keep busy but not really in a sociable mood - not sure how many more “How are you” “you look Well” I can take…

Be good all if cant be really really naughty lol lol

Cyber hgs & wishes



Hi Jelly Legs - oops sorry Mel,

Glad to see your sense of humour is still there - and sorry to hear you got jelly legs again. Not had that myself, or maybe they are always like that and I am use to it. Good news that your bum and tum feeling better though. Got your emails, although not had time to look at the website yet - just done my ironing after dropping Sophie at preschool and Jack sleeping in cot, and got rid of Grandad for the day!!! So will look at them in a min (or might become couch potato for an hour), or look at them later. But thanks though. Good news about your work too.

Dilys and Kelly, hope you are both OK and Dilys hope your appointment goes well. Kelly, hope you are still strong about going commando if out and about today, although very cold and miserable here, so if same where you are, wrap up well.

We got rascals later (playgroup) and photographer there, so can hopefully get more piccies of my babies, although not sure how Jack will be, as probably won’t want to sit still, whereas Sophie is “pose city” where cameras are concerned.

Anyway, enough babbling from me (again), take care all and hope you are all having a good day.

Lots of love

Good morning everyone

What a vile day? Anyway not feeling too bad either, having got some sleep (not a lot). Am off out for some gentle shopping while I can. Legs are a bit achey but nothing that can’t be coped with, so all in all better this time I think than last time. How you all cope with young children is beyond me. I think you are amazing. And great news about your work Mel. When are you planning to go back then? That will be odd won’t it? I had left my job before I was diagnosed so don’t have it hanging over me, though loads of people still stay in touch and come for advice which is nice. Once I have the worst of the treatment over I shall be looking for something else…

Have a good day everyone and lots of love


Hi all,

sounds like you’ve had a busy weekend dilys&dawn! We had a v.lazy day yesterday, well, in as much as we didn’t go out anywhere. OH spent most of the day on the sofa trying to get rid of his hangover which he reckoned he didn’t have!! Said he was just tired , yeah right, nothing to do with the copious amounts of strongbow you drank then!!! LOL! I was a busy bee around the house yesterday, and this morning. I like to get everything in order before chemo.

Weather is just awful here in Shrops today, mind you, was watching ‘This Morning’ earlier and the weather in London looks horrendous, so I’m thinking we’ve got off lightly! I’ve chosen a right time to start going commando haven’t I!!!

Not a lot of news really, I hope you are all well,

Take care,


Hi All

As predicted the practice nurse didn’t even know about the mastectomy, chemo etc so I am happy to report that my blood pressure is fine and I am now officially underweight. That makes a nice change! I couldn’t be bothered to enlighten her further really, as it was only routine stuff. Don’t think I shall follow up the routine blood tests though. Have had more than enough needles recently.

Isn’t the weather depressing? Still pouring here. I am going to curl my aching bones round a good book in a minute. As you say Kelly, what a time to chose to go commando.

Lots of love and do listen out for Woman’s our on Radio 4 at 10 tomorrow when the BC coverage starts. Message board is already up on their website. Hedgehog who posts from Paris (Shirley I think) has already joined in.


Afternoon Ladies,

Hope all is well with you guys!

I have been nicknamed “Jelly Baby” due to my jelly legs!! Glad they think its funny…why jelly legs! anyone else suffer… not worried as no other side effects yippeee.

Is it just me as around one around me is not complaining how COLD it iS!!! I wrapped up so well this morning but still cold looked like an advert for the Michelin Tyres!! gloves scarf the lot!

Anyway needed to complain about something else It wouldnt be fun!!! Taken up ebaying to get rid of some junk wow its fun just got to remember to sell not BUY!!!

Anyway OH will be home soon then picking up kids then start all over again,…
Love, hugs and kisses to you all.


Hi Mel

Agree totally - it is freezing! Haven’t done the gloves yet but the scarf has made an appearance along with the winter coat. Good luck with the e-bay selling. hat do jelly legs feel like then - just wobbly? Mine get stabbing pains at the moment, but I am happy sitting around like a Queen Bee doing nothing much at all. Managed a boiled egg for lunch even though it tasted vile.

Love to all


Hi Dilys & All,

Yep they feel really wobbly no pain just really weak!
It is like my body going one way then the legs not following or going in the otherway!!!
Morning after syndrome??lolol
Sorry to hear about yours giving you some pain!

I cant sit still get bored really easily - think thats the Scorpiio coming out in me…

Hugs & Kisses

Hi Mel and all

Ah I see. Yes mine are weakish as well. I can’t really worry about this though as we know what is doing it. I don’t mind sitting about - tough I suppose I am not realy. Today I have read a wole book, done my filing at last, cooked two meals, listened to endless radio programmes, made a few phone calls and caught up on my e-mail. Heard from a dear friend I haven’t heard from in three years which was just great. Can’t believe people are still shocked that I have bc as I am so used to it now. Must be the Aquarian in me! Do you know about that stuff? I don’t really.

Wish you a good evening and a peaceful night

Lots of love


Hi all,

Hope you’re all doing ok. OH is out playing golf at the mo so I’m all on my lonesome! Boooo, I miss him!!!

Off for my final day 1 CMF tomorrow, yippee!!! Went out ‘commando’ on my OWN today. I felt really ok about it and even picked up some hair serum as its going a bit haywire now. Check me out buying hair products again!!

Sorry to hear about all your ‘jelly legs’, hope they get better soon!

Take care all,


Hi Kelly

You are doing so well! You will be able to revel in the hair care adverts soon. I still look away! I can’t wait to join you! What a star you are.

Good luck tomorrow with the final CMF. Will be rooting for you.

Love to all


Hi All

Kelly - good look in your last CMF today! As Dilys says what a Star!!!
We can all take strength from you! Hope all goes well. Enjoy browsing in the hair product isles! I still avoid them… only got bum fluff for hair and thats just barely handging in… lol

Dilys - Hiya Queen B Hope you found another book to read for today - I might try a leaf out of your book and see what happens…

Not worried about jelly legs I can cope with them as longs as that is it!!!

Hope all have a good day…

Love & Hugs


Oh my it’s cloudy again this morning… I feel like doing NOTHING when it’s cloudy… yesterday all day I watched “Sopranos” and looked at past issues of Country Living… so all and all it was a pretty good day despite the lack of sun.

Have a nice day girlies!

Good afterrnoon all

Oh dear! Meant to get up this morning but slept in till 1030. The shame of it! This from one who was always up at 6, at work in Central London by 8, and only home by about 630 in the evening! Mind you I was always tired… Feeling a bit perkier today thank goodness, though still not eating. Have a glass of ginger beer instead. Think I will have to sit down and read another book! I have managed to stagger to the local supermarket, but given it is only two miuntes away it is hardly grounds for applause.

Hope you are all ok? Great day for Kelly - hope it goes well for you and your new hair. I am still avaoiding the hair care products like the plague. The TV seems full f nothing but ads for conditioner etc doesn’t it?. Our time will come!

Love to all


Motning Ladies!!

Well I have alittle dilema! Any advice - I might just be over reacting, havent even told OH.
My Lower back is giving me some stick it reall aches and I’m alittle worried but… Ive read some threads on here where people have had back pains and the outcome was more cancer so you can understand what I mean! But other than that jelly legs have calmed down off for a coffee with the girls later and life is temporaily good at the moment.

Kelly - I hope all went well with your last CMF and you celebtrate this end in style!
Dilys - hope the book reading is going well - I wish I could lie in bed till that time but with kids and school run no chance - have a good one!!!
Dawn - I think you have your scans today - wishing you hugs & kisses.xxxx

Have good Thursday All
Hugs & kisses


Hi Mel

Just sent you an email … hope you are OK. Thanks for goodluck msg, yeah 10.30 today got my ultrasound. Glad your legs doing better though and catch up this afternoon with everyone probably … keep everything crossed for me that I at last get a little bit of good news.

Take care

Hi Mel and all

Why not wait and see if the back subsides? If it is still hurting next week then off to the docs with you! Worrying tho and don’t ignore it completely.

Dawn - enjoy the ultrasound! Hope you get good news.

You will notice I am actually up today and have been since 8. Reverting to type. Off out to do some small jobs soon, once I have listened to Jenni Murray. At least the sun is shining…

Lots of love


Hi ladies,

Thank you for all your good wishes. Well it wasn’t quite my final CMF yesterday but it was my final day 1, yippee!!! Got my final session next weds at 10.30 (bloods permitting of course!). Would you believe everything has always run like clockwork until yesterday. I went to book in at reception and noticed my name was down for 3pm!!! They had booked me in twice for some reason, realised the mistake and crossed out my 10.30 appt!! We live 30 mins away from the hosp and I was hoping and praying we wouldn’t have to go away again then come back later as I’d ‘psyched myself up’!! The lovely sister said it was no prob at all and of course they would see me immediately which was great. It meant I had to wait a while for my chemo to arrive but we were all having a chuckle on the unit so it wasn’t a problem.

I was chuffed to bits as all the staff commented on my hair. I didn’t think it was that long but they could not believe how much hair I had. They said especially as I had accelerated Epi so my treatment is 4 weeks shorter than others. I couldn’t smile wide enough!!! Been putting my hair serum on with pride! Having nearly always been a ‘long haired person’ I never thought I’d be so chuffed with my short crop style!!!

Felt exhausted yesterday which is unusual for me, but I just went with it and sprawled out on the sofa! Went out with a one of my best friends on Tues so I guess this could’ve had a knock on effect. The staff on the unit said to me yesterday how I won’t believe how ‘well’ I feel soon as the chemo is finally out of my system. Although I think I have felt not too bad for the most part they said its only when I finish that I’ll actually realise how sh*t I really felt!! So, onwards and upwards, here’s to next weds!!!

Anyway, enough of me. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the lovely sunshine that had blessed us today. I’ve been up since the crack of sparrows but am still sat in my dressing gown, lazy cow that I am!! OH is off to the golf club in a mo for a practice, I never ever go out the day after my treatment so I intend to chill out with Fern & Phil! Blimey, that was back to me again!!!

Mel - I totally understand how you are feeling, I worry about every single ache and pain I get! I have had a lot recently but found it this was due to the way I was sleeping. Since I’ve sorted that I seem to be ok now, perhaps it is something like that for you? I am sure it is nothing sinister and that you’ve prob just hurt it when you’ve bent down or something and hadn’t even realised at the time. I had shoulder ache for ages then realised it was due to playing golf on the nintendo wii!! It took a good couple of weeks to go!

Dilys - Are you still the cleansed and toned one??? Tell you what your hair will be coming back before you know it! Good on 'ya for getting to the local supermarket, don’t be putting yourself down by saying that its only 2 minutes away!!! Its more than I do some days!!

Dawn - Wishing you all the very best for your scan today. Blimey its in 20 mins!! I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed for you already, do let us know how you get on.

Lee - I don’t blame you for having lazy days when the weather is poo like it has been. I never need an excuse to have a lazy day at the mo though, shame on me!!

Take care all and enjoy your day whatever you do. I expect Dilys is just rising from her slumber!!! LOL!!!


Hi Kelly

You sound fine. Sorry about the hiccups but you got there my love. So pleased that they noticed your hair. Those nurses should be given medals. I am perking up today. Got up at 8, have been out and about. Tired now but hey, I have been doing more than I have for ages. And yes the sunshine makes such a difference. I am hoping to get up to town tomorrow to meet some colleagues for lunch. Fingers firmly crossed! If I make it I will be cleansed and toned! They will not know me… Never was like that!

Love to all


Blimey Dilys,

did you wet the bed or what??? LOL!! Fancy you getting up at 8! You’ll be off to bed in a mo I reckon! Sorry, I’m a terrible tease, I’m only messing!

I’m glad you are perking up today. I haven’t been anywhere today but am hoping to make it to the golf club for a bit tomorrow. Will no doubt be too tired to practise myself and will just watch OH, but at least I’ll be getting out in the fresh air eh?! Its v.frustrating though, when I wanna be practising myself but am just too exhausted to.

I hope you make your lunch date, your colleagues defo won’t recognise you, oh cleansed and toned one! Hopefully you’ll gets loads of compliments, that always perks me up. NO doubt it’ll be the usual ‘you look really well…’!

Take care and keep smiling,
