HO HUM its that time again!; )

Hi ladies,

firstly a huge welcome to Lyndsey, I’m glad you are joining us.

Lyndsey - I hope your side effects are minimal. Enjoy the peace and quiet before you get descended on at the weekend!!!

Dilys - Thank you so much for thinking of me. My last one went without a hitch, they even got the cannula in first time! Any news on that sleep cap??

Dawn - I was thinking of you at 2 and I really hope your first Tax went well. Don’t be worrying about tears, I blubbed like a baby when I switched from Epi to CMF!! Made a right show of myself! May your side effects be minimal!

Mel - I got my ‘Healthy Living Day’ confirmation letter this morning, so I’m all official and above board now! I can’t wait!!!

Ali - All your good wishes have not gone unnoticed and are v.much appreciated. I really hope your penultimate chemo goes well on Fri, I will be thinking of you.

Lee - Hows that knitting going?? Yeah Herceptin is generally given every 3 weeks for a year for primary’s. I well missed the boat when I applied for a ‘Look good feel better’ day, gotta wait til Feb for mine!

Apologies if I have missed anyone out. Take care all and ‘speak’ soon,


Hi again all

First yet more joy for Kelly. So pleased for you my love. You spare so much of you for the rest of us. Have a really good celebration for you.

What else can I say on this great day? Selfishly my turn tomorrow week. Never mind rads and herceptin. Chemo is doable but c**p and thoigh it helps it is nice to see the back of it.

Lots of love to all. Feeling a bit weepy.


Morning All,

Lyndsey - Welcome & i hope you are well, glad yo could join us…

Dilys - I wish I could send you a sleep cap!!! I know how cold my head gets at night…

Dawn - I hope your taxotere went ok and that you was able to get a good nights sleep

Ali - Wishing well for Friday and hope all goes well… sending hugs

Lee - Knitting! I crochet - its less taxing on the brain!! I missed the boat for the “feel goo feel better” too can not get in till Jan 08 at Wolverhampton!!! but by the soiunds of it I will be on taxotere by then so I will probably need it more!!!

Kelly - I hope you are feeling GGRRREAAATT & I hope you are planning to celebrate in style??? Cant wait till stoke!!!

All is well my end, can’t believe How well I feel - its like the calm before the storm, just got to the top of the rollercoaster and just waiting for the push!!!
Well I am handing over 3 1/2 years of college work today and hopefully its for the last time!!! I think its Guinness for me Yipppeeee!!!

Well better go and get kids to school!

Sending cyber hugs to all you ladies
Kisses and Wishes

Good morning everyone

Sun coming out finally here! Hope everyone is well this morning. Not much news here - no sleep cap still, but I am using another wrap in this chilly weather. Off shortly for my second heart scan. What a social life we do lead, eh?

Kelly - how does freedom feel? Dawn - hope you are ok and not felled by the dreaded taxotere?

Much love to all


Good Monring girlies…

Dawn…hope the Tax went well and u r feeling fab today…
Mel…the knitting is sloooooooow really sloooooow
ali…best wishes for Friday
Dilys…get ya a buff girl!

do any of you suffer from tinitus… ringing of the ears… i have had this for over a month and it’s driving me dang crazy… :^(

Lots of best wishes and hugs to you all…
Lee xxx

Morning ladies,

well the sun is shining in Shropshire and I am feeling great!!! I think its just my usual steroid high but I am not complaining! Just knocked back a lucozade too so that has prob added to it!! Gonna have my usual post chemo slobbing day today. OH has popped to the golf club and is picking up some bubbly on the way home bless him, will get that chilling ready to enjoy in a few days time! Just ordered a ‘thank you’ card for him and my family to thank them for all the support they have given me since I started chemo. My mum actually moved up here from Kent for the first few months!!! I was crying as I was writing in the cards, I’m a proper softie!!

Did anyone catch the ‘Pride of Britain’ awards last night? When I first started chemo my friend gave me a book called ‘chemo, cakes and cancer’ written by a young girl with cancer. Well, she collected an award last night and seeing her made me blub big time! The book is aimed at children but I found it fantastic. Also, there was a little girl who was doing the race for life for her nanny who had died of bc, then she devloped leukaemia a week before the race!! Seeing her was very humbling. Blimey, I cried all night I think!!!

Dawn - I am so glad the Tax went ok yesterday (read it on another thread!) and may your side effects be minimal. Only 2 left now!!

Dilys - I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome freedom feels! You’ll be finding out for yourself soon enough though! The staff on the unit reckon I will not believe how ‘well’ I feel once the chemo is properly out of my system. I hope the heart scan goes well today and your hubby’s appt tomorrow too.

Mel - I am glad you feel so well at the mo. Handing over all that coursework, you must be well excited?! Can’t wait to meet you in Stoke. Been wondering what I should wear. They said something comfy, but comfy for me usually also means scruffy!!

Ali - All the very best for tomorrow, do let us know how you get on.

Lyndsey - I hope you are doing well, and are still relishing the pre-weekend peace and quiet!

Lee - I have never sufferd from Tinitus myself but imagine it is a nightmare so I do feel for you.

Take care all,


Morning everyone

It is also very sunny here in Norfolk. I was s’posed to be going to Norwich to meet my old work colleagues from Norwich Union for lunch…but my little boy has a streaming cold and a cough that sounds like a dog - I was gonna leave him with Nanna whilst I went to lunch but he is sooo clingy I can’t do it…Oh great, now I am stuck in house with snotty toddler - if I catch it and I am not able to have my chemo tomorrow I will not be impressed. I feel on top form today too - all ready for the Tax tomorrow…ooh can’t wait.

Kelly, you sound lively and bouncy…good for you. Those steroids are great aren’t they? Well until you need to sleep that is…I didn’t see the Pride of Britain thing, don’t think I would cope too well with watching that!!!

Mel - well done on your coursework, I can’t remember what the course was, but well done anyway!!!

Sorry Lee, can’t help with the Tinitus thing either, but hope it goes away soon. Horrid.

Dilys - hope the scan is OK for you, and the results don’t take to long, I can’t stand all the hanging around and waiting - my BCN told me right at the start to try and ‘go with the flow’ and accept all the waiting…hmmm easier said than done. I’m sooo impatient.

Welcome Lyndsey, hope you find this fab group of girlies a help.

And Dawn - hope your lack of posting today doesn’t mean you have been pole-axed by Tax. Hope not hun - if you have, then I hope the aches (or whatever sidey you get) only lasts a day or so.

What’s with all the knitting and crocheting, crikey - I feel like I sould be doing something more useful with my time…maybe if I spent less time on computer, on this site and Facebook I might have time to make something. Mind you Play-doh and Halloween invitations has been about my limit this week!!! Sad cow!

Have a good day everyone.
Love and hugs

Hi everyone

The sun really does cheer everyone up doesn’t it. Kelly I am so glad for you, and can’t wait to join you. Keep forgetting there will be the usual effects after the next tax to get through but then it will be up and up. I didn’t see the Pride of Britain thing but I did have a weep listening to that lovely couple talking on Woman’s Hour this morning about how they dealt with her second mastectomy.

Dawn - are you ok? And Lee, sorry but I don’t get tinnitus either. That seems an odd side effect! Must drive you nuts? Ali - glad it isn’t just me who can’t knit or crochet. Used to, but not any more I am afraid. And Mel, so glad you are feeling well today - you have achieved so much!

Heart scan was fine - they are a doddle and no needles thank god. I think it is because of the herceptin - they do them every three months.

I now have the afternoon to myself as my mate Stuart who was coming has a streaming cold (and sorry about your son Ali). So we called it off rather than risk giving it to me. Never mind.

Enjoy your days

Much love


Hi All

Sorry not posted to much today, but although not been too bad after yesterdays tax, no sickness or anything actually, and was sleeping quite well until two muppets had us up a lot in the night. Daughter came in about 3 times and put back twice, and then little Jack was up for about 2 hours, everytime put down started crying, eventually in our bed, but that didn’t work and then back to his cot and thankfully went to sleep, but has not helped any of us today. Daughter miserable and crying lots as tired, been pain since come home from school and Jack not 100%. Roll on bedtime and hopefully good nights sleep and all be ok tomorrow.

Feeling bit emotional I have to say, probably mixture of all sorts though and feeling really scared again about my future and all the what ifs.

Sorry for rambling, but needed to do it.

Hope everyone is good today and having a better day than me - getting worse right at this min as full blown tantrum on the go … will probably not be on again tonight but catch up with everyone tomorow I hope.

One good thing, critical illness has paid out …

Take care everyone, sorry for this rambling, feeling sorry for myself message not asking much about you all.

Lots of Love

Dear Dawn

Lovely to have you back. Sorry about normal life carrying on around you. I do not know how you people with small children manage. I think you are all such stars. Try not to worry. What happens, will happen. Whether we worry about it or not. Easy to say but hard to do, I know. We are all here for you my love.

Lots of love and strength


Hi Everyone

Oh Dawn that’s all you needed - ooh they do test your patience don’t they? Glad your policy paid out, mine did too - it just is a relief isn’t it. Good news also that you have no Tax side effects yet…beware of day 3…it caught up with me then, maybe cos the steroids ran out, not sure - but that’s when the aches and pains started. It just caught me a bit off-guard as I was bouncng around like Tigger all weekend - and typically we had the in-laws up from hampshire to help out…and I was fine!!! Anyway hope it doesn’t hit you too hard…

I have my 2nd Tax tomorrow, and I have kiddie trouble too. Took my 18 month old (Thomas) to Dr’s at 6pm - he has Croup…bloomin marvellous, luckily Dr reckons I can’t catch that as it is childhood thing only, but dunno if it is my imagination, but I have the start of a sore throat…grrrr. Local pharmacy didn’t have the right steroids for Thomas, but guess what…I did!!! Dexamethasone - bless him, he is now on the same as me…gotta laugh huh?

Ooh I can feel a sleepless night coming on…lots of coughing (he sounds like a dog…nice) and spluttering no doubt. Still I forgot to take my steroids at lunchtime and took them at 4pm today so I probably will be awake anyway…LOL!!!

Hope you are all ok
Love and hugs

Hi Ali

Oh poor you and poor little boy! Hope he’s ok. But even more hope you are ok for tomorrow’s taxotere. With you in spirit

Much love


Morning All,

Dawn - Glad to hear you ok - as for the kids we wouldnt be without them!!! Anneka went back on wednesday, just waiting for Josh to get it or OH. It is only natural the way you feel, it is all new territory and yes it is bloody scarey! but we are all here for youXXX Still waiting o hear about my critical illness but it will only pay half of the mortgage as we have only just moved house therefore under the 30day period for the new policy to count!! bummer…

Ali - My sisters 17 month old has also got croup - suppose to be qute common!!! I hope your night wasnt to rough and your little one is on the mend - fingers crossed for today X

Kelly - freedom & bouncey - wow! What can I say - looking forward in seeing you!

Dilys - hope all is well with you! I got a sore throat and snuffles, but feel great still.

Lee - sorry to hear about your ringing in the ears - nope did not suffer that one - but there is tim…
got sensitive nose though!

Is anyone suffering from sore dry eyes - they are really sore!

I think I got everyone…

I got a phone call grom my tutor last nigh (she knows I’m not a pateint person) She told me that she has signed off all my work/folders (3 in total)
An she says that I have made her proud and I should be please with myself as I have worked really hard!!! Next os the external Verifier to pass it off… the wait.
so since friday I have been stuck in cloud nine!! So I am at the top of the rollercoaster - just waiting for that push!!

Well I hope everyone has a good one today and all is well I’m off to do some xmas shopping and retail therapy!! LOVE IT!


Dilys -

Hi Everyone
Oh Mel you should be so proud of yourself! We all are! Enjoy your retail therapy. I am off to the hospital again today, this time for the OH. Fingers crossed. Colleagues coming this evening so I expect I will spend the rest of the day cleaning! Incidentally my eyes water and are sore! Think it is the lack of lashes. My nose runs as well since tax. Drips unexpectedly sometimes which is very embarrassing!

Must dash

Loads of love to everyone


Morning all!

I hope we are all well this morning. I am still on that steroid high!!! Woopeeee!! Thankfully its not making me eat for England which makes a pleasant change!

Had a lovely surprise yesterday, I was bombarded with visits from Interflora! It was soooo nice as I don’t think I’ve really had any flowers since I was first diagnosed when our house resembled a florists and I had to dash out and buy a million vases! My boyfriend sent me the most gorgeous bunch of pink roses, and in the card he said how he was so very proud of his princess! Needless to say that started me off and I became my usual weeping willow self!!

Dilys - I hope all goes well with hubbies appt today. Any news on that sleep hat that seems to have spontaneously combusted?? Wishing you a lovely evening with your colleagues.

Mel - I’m so pleased for you after what your tutor said, how nice. You enjoy that xmas shopping and retail therapy, you certainly deserve it!!! I hope you get good news on your critical illness cover. I was a fool and never took it out, I guess I thought it would never happen to me!!! Mind you I’m on full pay and the RAF have been awesome so I may have struggled to get them to pay up anyway.

Ali - Sorry to hear about your poorly little one. I hope all goes well with your Tax today and may your side effects be minimal!!

Dawn - I hope you are doin ok and your side effects aren’t troubling you too much. Sorry to hear about your little ones, I hope they are much better today! I don’t blame you for feeling emotional, I always feel very emotional when I’ve just had a treatment! My boyfriend is well used to it now!

To anyone I’ve missed out, apologies!! I blame it on the chemo brain!!

Take care all,


Dear all

Well - what a night…we could have had a party in our house last night, everyone was up!!! As predicted my steroids kept me awake, and just as I was starting to feel a little tired at 2am…Thomas wakes up…and all I can hear is in increasing volume ‘Mama, Mama’ ‘Mama, Mama’ ‘MAMAMAMAMAMA’…so up we get and he is on a steroid high too, having taken some of my Dexamethasone he was up for playing downstairs between 2am and 3.30am, I did manage to go back to sleep after a while and hubby took over. Now feel a bit spaced, but off to Hosp at 12.30 so doubt I will get any kip before then!

Kelly - wow, so many flowers, how kind people are. I know what you mean, there has been a bit of a ‘drought’ of pressies and flowers lately round here!

Dilys - hope all goes well today for hubs.

Mel - well done that is a fantastic result about your coursework, you should be really proud, go celebrate, any excuse…lol! Xmas shopping, yeah go for it. I think I should start mine too as having my bi-lat mastectomy on 30th Nov, so ought to get my a*se in gear really!

Dawn - hope you are OK today, a better night’s sleep should help with the wobbles, take care.

Better go, as I have no idea how I am getting to the hospital and whether I need to get someone to sit with croupy kid so my hubby can take me, better mke some phonecalls me thinks!

Love and hugs to everyone.

Dear All

Good luck today Ali - sounds like you should get that cannula in and get some sleep! Poor you. And lovely to get flowers again Kelly. Your boyfriend sounds just lovely. The flowers do come in spates don’t they? Back from the hospital - not much news on husband. He has temporal arteritis and is on the dreaded steroids which affect him in all srts of ways, but at least they said he can try cutting them down. It is one of those things they can’t really do anything about except long term steroids, and OH has other complications with which I won’t bore you. Between us we seem to have taken out a season ticket to our hospital this year!

Dawn - hope you are still ok?

Off out to buy wine and nibbles for this evenings visitors, and then start frantically cleaning!

Love to all


PS Still no sleep cap! I have given up! I ordered some headwraps but of course I clean forgot about the post strikes.

Morning ladies,

I hope you are all ok this morning! I am still on a bit of a steroid high which is good!! Off to look at a couple of show homes today, we are hoping to be on the move in the new year. Will prob be way out of our price range though but we’ll see…

Dilys - I hope you had a lovely evening and the wine and nibbles went down well!!!

Mel - How was your retail therapy and xmas shopping?? Good I hope!

Ali - How did your chemo go? I hope you are doin ok! May your side effects be minimal!

Dawn, Lee & Lyndsey - How are you gals doing?

Well, thats about all from me for now I reckon. Makes a change!! Enjoy your day whatever you are up to,

Take care,


Yay!!! 5 down 1 to go!! I’m liking the sound of that!!!

On steroid buzz too Kelly - but we had such a rough night with ‘croupy kid’ that I am glad I had that benefit, my hubby however did not have that luxury and is a bit spaced…bless him. Hope the houses are what you are looking for.

Mel - was your shopping a success, or did you buy more for yourself than for Christmas? That always happens to me!!!

Dilys - hope you had a nice evening and didn’t wear yourself out with all the cleaning and preparation.

Nightmare ‘hunt the vein’ yesterday, 7…yes 7 attempts, that is a record for me, my veins are totally sh*gged. 2 nurses later and they got it in the outside of my elbow. My best friend took me up there and wittered on for 3.5 hours (had to see Dr. too as always cos of my regime), she had just come back from hols, so we had a weeks worth of chat to catch up on, made the time go quicker.

Hope everyone else is OK this morning.

Love and hugs


Well shop went well I have bought a Wii for the kids for xmas! and well that was it!! Saw loads but they have been so spoilt and they are that awkward age where they are mire interested in their DS than andything else and the PC. So going to have to do some fishing! But had a great day anyway!

Got up this morning with a wicked sore throat, sore eyes and snotty nose! Great just before number 4 chemo!!! got 5 days to get sorted…

I hope all are well

Kelly - I love flowers! Gladiolis are my fav at the mo, look great on my fireplace.

Dawn - I hope thar you are ok, as not heard from you for a bit…

Dilys - hopefully postal strike over!! so hopefully you get wraps soon

Ali - soz to hear about you poor veins, I mhope my hold out as I am such a baby when it comes to needles!!

Well I am going to sort out a nice tallmmug of warm Ribena mmmmmmm

Have good day all
