Hi Everyone
Kelly, GOOD LUCK today with your house hunting and finding out if can part-ex. Makes life so much easier to do it that way. Keeping everything crossed and let us know how you get on.
Mel, so sorry you are still feeling low. Hopefully once tomorrow is out the way, you will start to feel more happier and know whats what and then get your 4th chemo out the way too on Thursday. Sure you won’t get any bad news. Last time I saw the onc in Sept, it was pretty pointless really, and didn’t tell me anything. So I was all worked up for no reason. You have definitely got the bottle, the willpower and the determination to climb back up from feeling rock bottom, and we are all here to help you on the way and keep you smiling. I promse.
Dilys hope you are good today too and not got too much planned to tire yourself out. You always sound really busy … Thanks for advice on Tax. Am feeling lots better today, although back still aching and not sleeping as soundly as I was last week yet. But got the 2nd one in two weeks and am I dreading it … but as you say, and others have, the first seems the worst, so hopefully might be slightly easier. Last one I think is on 21st November, so gives me time to recover before my daughters 4th birthday at beginning December!!!
Ali, hope you are doing well this week too, as you had your second tax last week I think … and that your little boy is a lot better now and getting over his croup!!! Let us know how you are doing and what you been up to. Have you only got one more tax to go now?
Well, this morning I had a 9am appoint to see my Doc, as got a letter saying “in order to discuss your condition and future management, please arrange an appointment to see a doctor of your choice”. Well couldn’t see the doc of my choice when I called, but saw another that I like. Got there at 8.55 (OH had both kids to take daughter to preschool), and was seen immediately. Sat down and he looked at me blankly … I said well, I need some more contraception pills (not that things like that happen right now!!! LOL) and i got a letter from you!!! Well he took my blood pressure, did my prescription, had a look on his computer at a few of the notes/results/whatever on there and then that was it!!! No, how are you feeling, how you coping, etc etc etc. Makes my blood boil - what was the blimin point of that then … waste of my time, there time and the energy and cost of sending a letter. Ah well … what can we do …
OK, well hello to everyone/anyone else I have missed off. Thinking I should do my ironing, but really can’t be arsed … and still not back to 100% … although think kids are needing some tops …
Hope everyone is well today. Probably all fallen asleep reading this dribble anyway.
Take care
Lots of Love