Holiday clothes


Sorry if this seems a bit frivolous compared to other topics on the forum but I wonder if anyone has any suggestions for suitable holiday clothes? I am going on my first “sun” holiday since my mastectomy and subsequent treatment in February 2016. I am a “uniboober” and am now carrying a bit of extra menopausal tummy weight! As a result not much of my standard holiday gear either fits or suits me now.

I will need something that is cool to wear (I’m off to Italy) but covers my prosthesis and my underarm scar. Also will the skin on my chest still be sensitive to the sun as its less than a year since I finished my radiotherapy?

Any suggestions for what to wear gratefully received? I don’t want to spoil the holiday for myself and my lovely husband ( who deserves the break as much as I do) because I am stressing or faffing about what to wear everyday!

Thank you in advance.

So nice that you have something to look forward to after a tough time - just a few suggestions (I’ve been on several holidays post-op as I plan to make the most of every day now!)


Firstly I would strongly suggest either thin cover-up shirt-style tops or kaftans when in the sun and/or sightseeing, together with high (50) factor nivea sunscreen, which is endorsed by Cancer Research UK. Also a shady sunhat, which looks “cool” in every sense of the word.


Marks & Spencer do some very pretty “Secret Slimming” swimsuits which have ruched bustlines and are very good at concealing and disguising any imbalance (I had a single mastecomy and when wearing these even my best friend can’t tell which side is which! These also have pockets for your porsthesis. (Their post-surgery bras are very good (and pretty) too and not too expensive.)


They also do post-surgery swimsuits but unfortunately they come up very high under the arm and irritated the scar where my lymph node was removed but best to try on in-store are see how they feel.


Last, but by no means least, have a great time!

Best wishes, Poppyj

I went on holiday to lanzarote after all my treatments.  I wore lots of hats and lose clothing.  A padded swimsuit and just went for the bald look in the pool, well very short chemo regrowth.  Holiday is just the thing we all need after our journeys.  Hope you have a lovely relaxing time.  

Oh and don’t forget the sunscreen. I used factor 50 on the radiotherapy area and 30 elsewhere.  Xx


I bought a couple of super vest tops form Nicola Jane they are so comfortable, and fit perfectly. I was two months post op when I wore mine. 


Would recommend. 




Hi Daisy, by now I guess you’ve had your holiday! But for others in the same situation I went to Cornwall 3 days after finishing rads and to menorca 2 weeks later!

My must have recommendations:

  • copies of most recent hospital letters stating what treatment you have had, in case of emergency you can show the hospital
  • letter from gp / surgeon if you have a port in place which might set off airport security!
  • Factor 50 sensitive suncream
  • wide brimmed floppy hat
  • antibiotics in case of any infection
  • insect spray to keep them away, and antihistamine in case they bite!
  • lightweight scarf to cover neck and radiotherapy area
  • basic first aid kit, including antiseptic wipes and cream incase of injury to affected arm
  • fan, and/or water spray if you’re suffering with hot flushes
  • sleeve for flight if suffering from lymphodema, I had it mild and just wore on the flight not whilst we were away
  • cheap lightweight holiday clothes until you shed the post chemo belly (it’s amazing how few clothes you can get away with!)

Please tell us how your holiday went Daisy, and add to the list for the benefit of others who follow in our footsteps.

Dawn x