holiday insurance

I tried Mia online to see about holidays next year when I’m hopefully getting to the end of my main treatments. Was a bit worried as usually (before bc) have gone with the british mountinearing council, as I tend to like to do the adventure stuff ie jumping out of planes and white water rafting. They gave me good quotes for wild life in Africa and Galapogus with Amazon attached, even though I mentioned that any wild adventure I can do I will do.
So thanks for the tips ladies.

Thanks everyone.

Just spent 2 soul destroying days looking for travel insurance. It appears that although I am 3 years from diagnosis and more than 2 years from the major treatments (Chemo & Radio), because I have to declare the word Cancer and am taking Tamoxifen it appears to bump the premiums up even with the supposed specialised companies.

My husband suggested reserching other peoples views and not the companies and I found this site.

Just booked on-line with as suggested below for £60. Easy was the next cheapest and freedom quoted 180.99 for a week! Hubby and I both have other condition like blood pressure, so this looked a more reasonable quote.

Have good holidays everyone.

Hi everyone.I am 18 months from diagnosis had rads and now on tamoxifen and zoladex.I got a great quote from Boots.For a trip to europe for 4 of us …2 adults and 2 children and also cancer cover i have paid £52…think the kids went free…

Last year someone on here gave me the number for Aberdeen Insurance which I used for a week in Malta, they were excellent at only £13 for the week. However I am going to Portugal in September and thought I’d nothing to do but get last year’s out the drawer to get the number but it’s gone!!!

So does anyone have the Aberdeen Insurance number please?

I think they are brokers and don’t have a website, searching Google throws up all kinds of stuff that has nothing to do with them.

EDIT>> I should add that there was a £250 excess if you developed problems and needed treatment which was as a direct result of your BC.
Just seen other posts about Aberdeen Insurance, will have to look elsewthere now then :frowning:

I have used miaonline a couple of times and found them excellent

I will try them too, just tried free-spirit, £29 for 1 week in Portugal and travelbility, £37 for same thing. I think now it was £23 last year and not £13.

In both the above sites you enter your details online, no phoning up anywhere

I got it for £10 from Direct Travel Insurance ( but you have to agree to the terms which is that you cannot claim for anything that may happen that is directly connected to your illness. The £10 cover is the second highest level, it actually starts at about £8

I have been trying around as my husban is over 70 and had a heart attack last year. What with me having treatment for breast cancer we had to cancel two holidays as I was not risking the USA without full cover. May have to stay in the UK for a bit!

I have used All Clear Insurance Services for the last 2 years. I renewed it a few weeks ago and paid £132 for an annual policy for travel in Europe. I also recommended them to a neighbour who has a heart condition and he got a very good worldwide travel annual policy with them.
0845 250 5250
Best wishes
Anthi x

I always get an annual policy and, aged, 37, found that Age Concern were the only ones who would insure me 7 years ago.

Then I found M&S had a good policy until they sold their financial services to someone (AXA??) and they advised they wouldn’t cover any complication due to bc. Which is one of the things you want from travel insurance is that confidence you’re covered for any health thing!! Reading other posts, maybe they’ve changed this.

Now I use American Express who have surprisingly good rates and very unintrusive screening questions. I hate having to talk to those call centres, especially when I get men. Much better experience with Amex.

It really makes me angry how the medical profession are there saying not to be neurotic and it’s unlikely the cancer will come back only to find that insurance companies won’t touch you with a bargepole. What I find even stranger is that they’re turning down easy money.


Hi all this is going to sound like a daft question but I’ve just finished rad treatment after having had DCIS with WLE, I’m now hopefully on the mend and will be back at work soon.

We’ve just booked our wedding in Mauritius for the start of Sept which will be the trip of a lifetime, my question is do I wait to buy my travel insurance until nearer the date of my holiday as I will at least be able to say that my last treatment was 5 months ago, or does that not make any difference as far as insurance companies are concerned?

phillippa x

Hi Phillippa
I looked at travel insurance recently as I’m hoping to go to Spain in August after I’ve finished Chemo.
I think the amount of time since treatment finished does make a difference to the premium so therefore, I am going to wait til much nearer the time before I take it out.

Sue xx

Hi Phillippa,

I think it only changes once you are over 2 years since diagnosis - this was the question that kept being asked of me.

You sound like me - I’m getting married in Antigua in November - I had to get insurance for skiing last month and got an annual policy for the family for a reasonable amount but had to exclude all breast cancer related issues - I decided it was worth the risk. the only insurance company who would cover the breast cancer was Atlas, but the premium was too expensive to be worth it. I found all the other companies listed above were either too expensive or forced me to exclude breast cancer - including all the specialist cancer related companies which I found very strange.

If you don’t need the insurance yet, I would wait, as one of the risks is cancellation and if there isn’t much time before you go, the risk will be less and maybe the policy will cost less - however, I don’t think they actually take this into account much.


Hi Phillippa,

I have just posted somewhere else on the site about travel insurance, but can’t find it now! Anyway Insurancewith, seem to be pretty good. Re your question about being 5 months out of treatment before you get the cover I agree with Helen, I don’t think it will make any difference to the price you will be quoted. You should give them a call and ask their number is 08452307159.

Good luck for the wedding.


Hi All

thanks for your advice, I have in the end found a good price (albeit a lot more than I have paid before this dratted illness) with Saga, yes I know that means I am over 50 but at least it shows that there are some advantages of getting old!

In the end it was £100 cheaper than some of the other companies.

All I have to do now is find the money to pay for the holiday and find something to wear!


I’ve just taken out a policy with Getmy for £49 for a week in Jersey. Most companies wouldn’t accept me. I don’t think it was down to the bc though. I also have asthma and take 3 inhalers, which seems to cause more problems.
I must admit I found it quite depressing getting quotes and constantly being turned down. Still at least I have got a nice holiday to look forward to, and my bcn is applying for a Macmillan grant to help out with the costs - fingers crossed that I am lucky with this.


I’ve just used Miaonline again after seeing them recommended on here. I’ve just paid £114 for me and my OH for 20 days in Mallorca - I have bone secondaries and am on maintenance treatment and my OH has high blood pressure, haitus hernia and very bad reflux with heart queries in the past. We are both covered for everything under the policy and cancellation is also included. Think the premiums are based on the number of days you are away and the place you are visiting.

If you list your ailments, medication etc before you go, they can access them should you have an emergency while you are away.

Happy hols to everyone!


I’m nearly 15 months on from chemo and rads and have been looking for travel insurance. We’re touring Italy in May and I felt that I needed a back-up in addition to the EHIC.

The prices some companies charge is ridiculous but I finally came across Great. Cover you for everything and the excess is very reasonable. They only cover Europe though.

For an annual multi-trip policy including my OH, it has cost £47. It’s worth a try.

Happy hols.

Mal x

any tips for who will cover me for New York, gave up trying last year and went to Europe instead
Lily x

Hi , I found that whilst M & S and AllClear would cover me to travel to New York - they wanted £1000+ !!! I went to Europe instead. If you do find someone reasonable please let me know - I would love to go to NY but got diagnoised with BC again in 2009 age 41 (first time 2006 when had plans to go to NY), so resigned to having to wait the 5 years again when I have told that the insurance should be more reasonable. x