Holiday insurance

Can anyone tell me what holiday insurance they used pls I Had my masectomy 3wks ago and got the all clear results this wk. im waiting to start radiotherepy in April but hoping to go on hol in June will this stop me getting insurance im also having Herceptin injections untill Nov.can anyone help pls .



If you click on this link it will take you to a thread which has a section about holiday insurance and I am sure there will be lots on there that you can look at about the best companies etc.


Helena xx

Hi Colby

I finished radiotherapy last year in the February and went on holiday in the May and for that holiday I just added cancer treatment to my existing annual policy with no problems, then at renewal I went with Allclear. But there are a number of other reputable companies who cover pre-existing conditions and it doesn’t have to cost the earth, (though next renewal I will need worldwide including the America’s, rather than my usual European, so that will probably be a bit of a shock…) so get yourself covered and have a lovely holiday. Something to look forward to after active treatment ends. xx

Hi just wanted to add I used Ok to travel!! They covered me before and after surgery and rads. I’ve just used them again as we are going abroad in June. Unfortunately we do get penalised for having breast cancer!! My insurance cover is now twice as much as my hubby’s!!! ??

Thank you x

Thank you x

Hi I was diagnosed in 2015 so Nov that year I had a lumpectomy then Jan 2016 I had chemo followed by radiotherapy then herceptin which didn’t end till April 2017 We booked a last minute holiday to Cyprus in 2016 and I got holiday insurance without any problem ( I think the company was sun world ) but last year because I’m over 50 we went with stay sure and they were cheaper too , hope this is helpful for you.