holiday insurance

Hi everyone,
i am being lazy really as i could look up what i want to know, a pal wants me to go to Cyprus maybe next year, i have been told that even though i am in remmision (and hopefully will still be next year) the holiday insurance costs a bomb??? once you have had cancer, does any one know the score on this.
take care all cheers.

Yes I’ve just got insurance for a single trip in Europe using Marrs it cost£17.90 and I was dx 2006 finished treatment June 2007 and I’m 64 it would have been dearer if I had been 65.

I’ve just been to Italy with my family and bought insurance through along with the flight. I had to phone and tell someone my situation, but then was allowed to proceed on the basis that anything cancer-related wasn’t covered. For a family of 5 for 6 days the insurance was £20.

P.S. We had a brilliant time - hardly ever go abroad - planned this as to be a special event and it turned out to be every bit as wonderful as I had hoped. Nice for something to go right!

Hi All

Have just booked a cruise with Thomsons and took out their insurance with AXA. When I got the form it said I had to let them know of any illness treatment etc in the last few year. I then phoned and said I had been treated for BC and was on Tamoxifen and High Blood pressure tablets. The girl just said O>K> we will note that on your insurance and it will mean that you can make no claim for anything relating to the two conditions. Fine with me. No increase in payment either.


I’ve got an annual european policy (including hubby and covering me for anything related to bc) with Marrs at a cost of £71. I finished treatment in December 2004 and have been in remission since then. I think you need to be 12 months post-treatment to qualify. Definitely worth a try.

Hi All

I have just taken out annual insurance with Marrs and went to America cost £92 for me and hubby, finished treatment in December 05. To get annual insurance you have to be free of any treatment for the previous 12 months.


Hi kippy.
I am travelling to france in june this year.
I had various insurance quotes for 5 days, the highest being £259. Some would not insure me for 3 years.
I am still undergoing treatment until March and have full cover for breast cancer and anything related to
it £ 35.84 me and my husband.
It was with Halifax insurance.
They explained that insurance companies are all different.
Good luck

Can i ask if you are on tamoxifen is this classed as still receiving treatment?
I dont envisage having any probs from cancer etc but what i am concerned about is a DVT on a long haul flight as i know this is mentioned on the sheet you get with tamoxifen.
In Sept i want to go to the USA but the risk of a DVT bothers me.


Hi Ruth

I queried this when taking out insurance with Marrs and was told that it was not classed as still receiving treatment. I was on Tamoxifen at the time but have since changed to Arimidex.

Hope this helps.



I am five years post diax and just had wonderful quote including BC and osteoporosis, £156 for worldwide cover including Nth America. I was chuffed. I am 38 years old, been on tamoxifen up to last year and then exemestane, I had chemo too and a total hysterectomy last year. Sorry I know it’s hard building up to this stage but hopefully this is encouraging news for the future? (or possibly just really annoying - it’s a gift I have!). I was devastated last year when several companies would not cover me. Personally I will not risk going without cover for the osteoporosis to America as fracture risk is too big. I have travelled without cover for BC to the states, I think sometimes (particularly early on) is worth the risk! But mainly I just wanted to support what others have said in that companies do vary enormously. My advice is to get the factsheet on “BC and Insurance” from this site (maybe moderator would point us in the right direction?). Work out if you want your insurance with cover for BC or without. Don’t take any rubbish from anyone and work your way down the list in the factsheet. Macmillan also give advice on insurance - apparently you cannot be refused insurance because of the disability discrimination act. Don’t get discouraged - they all ask slightly different questions and ask them in different ways. Also be wary of companies (one very well known one) who refuse to cover your BC but still hike the premium! Cheeky beggars! Good luck - main thing is to have lots of holidays! And enjoy!!! Love Jeanie xxx

Hi Jeanie

The link to the fact sheet on BC and insurance is as follows:

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator