

holidays can you give me advise on how to take care of myself i am going to greece 1 wk after i finished my radiotherapy

Rest & relax! Hi there

I had a lumpectomy and some lymph nodes removed before having 6 weeks of rads. Towards the end I did feel very tired and my skin became quite tender - especially around the nipple upto 2 weeks after treatment finished. My breast was also rather tender.

So, I would certainly reccommend you not exposing your skin which has been treated, to any sun - keep it properly covered and keep putting on the cream the hospital gave you.

It was uncomfortable to wear a bra, so I just wore vests and camisole tops - which for you on your hols will be perfect!

I found it tricky swimming as it pulled under my arm where the lymph nodes were removed. 8 weeks on and it is fine now.

Have a wonderful time, make sure you have plenty of rest and relaxation and of course the odd margherita / Pina Colada!!

