Home from 2nd LD flap operation!

Hi just to let you know I got home monday from second operation of LD flap on my back, so far all ok. have seroma on back again but all gone extremely well. best news ever had clear results too from tissue removed. Just got to rest now and get strength back, what a relief! No more boobs to come off now!!!

hi bakers well done getting through yr ops.have u had ld lap done on both breasts and if so did they get done at same time. i had ld flap done 6 weeks ago and it was recommended i get other side done to but not at the same time, im not to sure if i could go through it all again.
hope u heal quickly
god bless and take care

Hi Maria
Sorry for late reply, yes I have had LD lap on both sides, no they would not operate at the same time. I had one done affected side then the other side preventative later on. I must say that I was not looking forward to going back into hospital again as I knew what to expect but I think one of the worst things was the drains… Its for a short period of time and like you I was recommended having both done. Its for our future. Not pleasant but I would do anything to stop further problems. If you want to ask me any other questions feel free. all the best and take care.

Hi Bakers and Maria

I’ve had my first mast & LD recon done 12 weeks ago. I should’ve had the second done approx 4 weeks ago, but due to a bed crisis I hav’nt even been given a date. Now that I am virtually back to full activity, and going back to work this week, I am becomming more and more reluctant to have second side done. Dreading it actually!

I can’t help thinking I should be over the worst of it all by now, but still have it all to go. I found the drains by far the worst thing also, when they were in, being removed and even now still tender.

I hope your recovery continues well bakers, and Maria, I guess we have to just grit our teeth and go for it.

Jackie x

Hi Jackie, good to hear you’re close to full activity - are you riding yet? I’m happy walking out, can tack up, mount, have to dismount by stepping onto the stile, not drop straight to the ground, but I can’t manage more than five or six strides in trot, and daren’t canter. Still can’t run at all, or even jog, and having lifted just one full bucket last week I had a real twinge of lower back pain, I’ve pulled the sacro-iliac ligament in the past and it’s a sure indication of how unfit I am six weeks after the op. Told not to swim during chemo or rads, which is maddening too, I feel awfully decrepit as it is. Is your recon breast heavier than the other or much the same? Mine looks a little wider and certainly feels fuller… see the plastic surgeon for follow up on Weds so I’ll find out if it should have subsided by now! Take care, Lyn x

Hi Lyn

Hav’nt seen you on here for a while, maybe I have just missed the right threads.

You sound like you have made a drastic improvement since I last heard from you. Well done for riding, I really hav’nt had the urge and I think I have said, I do not have anything quiet to ride. I do everything around the yard now though, which I enjoy as much. I know exactly what you mean about fitness, or lack of. Since my op I think I have put on about a stone in weight! It is my birthday next weekend so I will stuff myself then be good after that.

How is your treatment going? What stage are you at? I hope you are coping with it all and not feeling too rough.

My new boob feels exactly as you desribe, heavier, wider and fuller. I think I am going to be a cup size bigger (or maybe that is just the extra weight I am carrying). I can jog a few steps, but insinctively support my chest with my arm, I must look sooo strange.

Hope all goes well with PS on Wednesday. Keep in touch.
Bye for now.
Jackie. x

Hi Jackie, I think - and I’m sure my daughters would say - I’m WAY behind you in progress! I’m walking out on an obedient 14.2 Irish gentleman, who’s always happy with my choice of pace, but am doing nothing in the yard except point the hose at buckets for the girls to carry - I haven’t even mixed a feed since the operation. I certainly can’t jog anywhere, my tummy seems to lock up in self-preservation, and sometimes feels like a labour contraction, though it doesn’t extend around the back. Field clearing has gone by the wayside, I’ll have to get someone in with a paddock-sweeper when the gateway dries out enough. Have just started chemo, 6 weeks post surgery, so far so good but it’s early days. Just want to get past all this treatment, get the dog ear tidied, nipple recon done, and tweak my ‘good’ side to match the new boob. Mine doesn’t protrude more than the other, but it’s defiinitely bigger. Will ask the PS if it may still shrink down! Lyn xx

Hi Baker
Im due to have my 2nd boob removed as a precaution. I suffered quite badly with the first cos of the chemo. is is easier 2nd time around? except the drains of course.
hope u still healing well.
sue x

Hi Bakers,
Huge apology because i posted the same question a month ago and you very kindly gave me a detailed reply before going in for this op. So glad it went well. I think i still got chemo brain from 2007 cos I forgot my first post.
Sue x

Hi Sue dont worry good luck for your 2nd op. Dont think its any easier 2nd time round as you know what you have to face, but you know you can do it! Mentally and cosmetically I am pleased with results. Just got to have nipple reconstruction now, havent even started reading about that yet! take care
bakers x

Hi all

I agree with what bakers says about it not being any easier second time around. I have received my date to go in for my second mast/ LD recon and I am dreading it all over again, especially the drains. Friends keep saying how much easier it will be because I will know what to expect but I think that makes it worse.

I am so pleased with my first recon and I am looking forward to being symmetrical again, especially after nipple recon. I try to hang on to that thought but it doesn’t make it any easier.


Hi Jackie
Glad to hear you have your second date through for your operation. Good luck with that. I remember you saying you have the same surgeon as me Mrs S Jones, she is great. I have recovered well, had to have drainage for 4/5 weeks again on my back but for me part of the course. Did you have to have drainage? I need to start thinking about nipple recon which I think they are quite keen on at maidstone, funny though I received some stick ons in the post yesterday!!
take care keep in touch and all the best
bakers x

Hi bakers

Great to hear you are doing well. I had drainage from my back about the same time as you, the main inconvenience was having to go to Maidstone for it to be done.

How funny having nipples through the post! Have you been given a date for them to be done yet? How long after your op will you be?

Have you had your 40th party yet? My 40th came and went without anything too exciting, my 30th felt more significant to me.

Jackie x