HOPE TO YOU ALL - Mum has had Breast Cancer for 16 years ...

Hi everyone, my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer 16 years ago, they found the lump on her mamagram and although very small she opted to have the whol breast removed. No treatment was necessary afterwards, only check ups and Tamoxofin for 5 years. As a family we were all worried sick, my sister usually the strong one went to pieces, my dad was a rock, I tried to be strong and my mum - well she was unbelievably determined, we had never seen her like that before, she was 61 years old with her retirement life ahead.

All went well and was in remission for about 9 years. In 2005 she was unwell with a cough and cold that she just couldn’t get rid of, the doctors gave her antibiotics which didn’t get rid of it and then in the September she was rushed to hospital with a collapsed lung, she was hours from drowning they told us, and then announced that the breast cancer had come back in the bones (secondary), my sister and I were told it was terminal and to prepare for the worst. We were devestaed, my dad in total denyal and my mum unbelievable again, “not ready to leave us”. She has been going to the hospital every 3 to 4 months since then, she was given a drug (tablet form) which did the trick for about 5 years until it stopped working and then a year ago they put her back on tamoxofin, she is still going strong, although does have some pain in her back where its at its worst.

Another 7 years on from 200 - if you believe, have the faith and will to fight and the family to support you, you CAN beat this. BE POSITIVE as a family.

What an inspiration. Thank you for taking the time to post.

Suzanne x

Thank you for posting your mum sounds like an amazing lady, wishing you and all of your family all the very best for the future, stay strong keep in their for each other and heres to you posting again in 2028 telling us of another 16 years
