Hopeless and completely devastated

I am complete speechless and hopeless. I have been diagnosed since August 2019 with DCI on the left breast and lymph nodes involved 5 out of 18. I underwent two lumpectomy and full axilar clearance and I was due to start chemotherapy on 05/12 and I just felt a lump on the right breast now. 
I walked in to the breast clinic and the doctor saw me and said: “ It is a lump”.

They sent me to ultrasound and the radiologist said It seems suspect. 
They did the biopsy and waiting for results plus my treatment had been suspended now.

Which chance do I have if is another cancer? Bilateral breast cancer.

I am 44 years old and I felt heartbroken that I would not see my children to grown.

I have no more faith,



Hi @Drida  Thank you for your post. 

We’re sorry to hear about your diagnosis and that you’re feeling this way. I’m sure one of our Forum members will be in touch soon.

We want to let you know that we are here for you. If you want to talk things through, or find more support, you can speak to our breast care nurses on our free helpline - 0808 800 6000 (available during the week 9am-5pm and 10am-2pm on Saturdays.)

Best wishes,


Social Media Officer

Drida please speak to your bc nurse that you should have been assigned when you were diagnosed, Also please use the ask the nurse facility on here and the someone like me option. All I can say is please take one day at a time and try and find strawberry blonde mountain lion story on here, lots of us have run up the mountain, lots like you are running up it now, but you are running and you will reach the top and the bear will rush through you to get the mountain lion, but you will run up that mountain ??? you’ve others running with you on this mountain all together ???:sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Drida, my heart goes out to you. But please continue to have faith! Faith in so many ways, in your medical experts, in your family and friends and in all the other support available (through this forum and via your BC Nurse). I totally understand how frightening it is; I too used the word “devastated” , but you, nor none of us are “hopeless”…we are all strong brave women. You are not alone Drida. With a big hug, Wonky. 

Drida , sending a big hug, and acknowledging your pain. I had completed both my surgery and chemo when I was told that the blurred ct scan actually showed four mets in my lungs. Took the wind right out of my sails, I can tell you! My first feelings were very much as yours are. My first port of call was my Maggies Centre where I got some straight talking, clear explanations, and calm reassurance. You feel you are alone at this moment, but you are not. There are others out there with similar diagnosis. It’s a lot to ask of you, but you will do it for your children , you will get through this waiting period, and you will start your treatment, whatever it is. Medical history is being made with secondary and multiple bc now. We are living longer, and with an excellent quality of life in most cases. Have faith, both in yourself and your medical team. Your success is their success. Please keep in touch and let us know how you progress. Wishing you luck, determination and will power. X

Dear Drida


I just wanted to show support and send you a big hug.


This forum is brilliant for getting advice and support. As others have said speak to your breast care nurse or even your GP as it helps to talk.


Once you know what you are dealing with, treatment will start. Be strong, you really can do this! ??


Take care!

