Hormone treatment and fertility issues

Hi, I am kind of new here so apologies if a similar topic has been discussed previously.
I am due to have a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy and hormone therapy as my breast cancer is oestrogen receptor positive. I have just found out that Goserelin (Zoladex) will stop period completely (2 years) and during 5 years of Tamoxifen, we are advised not to get pregnant. I am 43 years old now with no children yet. According to the BCC’s ‘Fertility issues and breast cancer treatment’ factsheet, possible ways to preserve fertility such as freezing of eggs are only suitable for women under 35 years old. Maybe it is possible at my age I can no longer conceive at any rate, but it is hard to know that these hormone treatment will virtually put an end to my fertility sooner than expected.
Are there anyone else in their 40s who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and offered hormone therapy and who wanted to have children? I would like to hear what you have decided to do. Thank you in advance, T

I’m not much help on this topic but the breast cancer nurses on here are avaialble via phone or email (details at bottom) and may have more expert knowledge to advise you with your particular set of circumstances. Give them a try

Hi Toriaconey, thank you for your suggestion. Yes I will ask the Breast cancer nurses. I would also love to hear from anyone out there if they were in the similar situation as me. x