Hi just wanted some advice ,diagnosed with breast cancer dec 2009,had mestectomy ,chemo and radiotherapy,then took tamoxifen for 2 1/2 years followed by exematase for 2 1/2 years finished 5 year hormome treatment. have now been off medication for 17 months . research data has since changed to allow people to take hormone meds for 10 years ,i approched my breastcare nurse who asked my oncologist if i could restart exemastane with this 17 month break ?ive been told i can restart ,im a little nervous as i did suffer bad sleep patterns and sweats !had bone density scan done last week really good results dont need any supplements, just need reassurance prob . has anyone been in same position thanks
Hi Maisie,
I was in a very similar position, though I have only taken tamoxifen, not any AI.
I took tamoxifen for five years from October 2007. When I came to the end the research had recently come out that 10 years was better than five, and it was clear from this forum that those newly diagnosed were being told they would be on hormone treatment for 10 years. I had really struggeld with hot flushes, and had literally counted down every day of the last year of tamoxifen, desperate to get to the end. So I was in a dilemma - did I stop or did I carry on to get the best possible chance of avoiding a recurrence? I spoke to my onc who flatly said she followed NICE guidelines, and these hadn’t been updated to reflect the new research. So part of me was very relieved. Somewhere along the line I learnt that the guidelines were due to be updated in 2014, and as time went on I questioned my position more and more. A friend died during this period - she was triple negative, so couldn’t take tamoxifen, but I asked myself what she would say to me if she knew I could take something to prevent the BC coming back, but didn’t. She was desperate not to leave her family.
So, in the end I restarted tamoxifen in August 2014, 22 months after stopping. I will continue until this October, ie 10 years from when I first started. Strangely it has been easier this time, either that or I have just got used to living with hot flushes and disrupted sleep.
I am pleased I have done it. I will be very glad to finish this October but also happy that I will have done everything I can to prevent this cancer coming back.