Hormone treatment

Morning all sorry if this is repeated question etc I recently started my lethozole and something else which I can’t pronounce and never mind spell. Anyway the aches and pains have come on and I noticed within information I received it says change in appitite and while Im not off my food has anyone experienced that food tastes bland like no taste bud I had breakfast with butter and just tastes like cardboard. 


Many thanks xx


Hi Daylightdancer666


I’ve been on Letrozole since March this year… I haven’t noticed any difference in my taste buds! 

It’s a pity it doesn’t stop me eating!! Haha!


I have got very achey bones in my legs and feet though! And no strength in my bottom half whatsoever! I saw my oncologist who said the ‘aches should settle down eventually!’ ??


Hopefully you’ll start enjoying your food again soon x ?