Unfortunately I have had the Xmas from hell full of worry! I found a lump a couple of months ago but thought nothing of it as it was over the scar where had a fibro removed a number of years ago! That area is always lumpy so I thought nothing of it really! However, the lump seemed different and after some nagging from my husband I went to GP. A clinic appt came through for 16th Dec.
After USS, Mammogram and FNA I became a little worried as the Dr said it was not another fibro and did not look like scar tissue on USS. Results from Mammogram came back saying a non-homogenous partly well-defined density measuring 22mm x 14mm (indeterminate M3/M4), A small lymph node M3. 3 flecks of microcalcification are benign. FNA came back as cohesive clusters of duct epithelial cells, some showing admixed myoepithelial cells. The background shows macrophages, the occasional cluster of epithelial cells shows atypia and are suspicious of malignancy (C4).
They have arranged a core biospy for 8th jan, which seems like ages away!! Then I got a follow up appt at end of 29th Jan for the result! Everything seems to be taking ages, I know it took me ages to go to GP but I think I was burying my head in the sand iykwim! I just WANNA know now so I can deal with it!
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site. At the moment because of the Christmas and New Year holiday, the forums are a little quieter than normal, but I am sure someone will be along soon to offer you some much needed support. In the meantime if you need to talk to someone in confidence then please do phone our helpline, they’re here to support you through this. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000, the opening hours over the next few days are as follows:
Monday 30 December 9am–5pm,
Tuesday 31 December 2013 9am–2pm
Normal opening hours resume on Thursday 2 January 2014 (Monday–Friday 9am–5pm and Saturday 10am–2pm.)
I am sorry you have joined the waiting game. I can totally empathise with you on this one. I discovered my problem in OCT but no appointment until Dec.
My comment won’t help you to answer your question at all but you started your journey after mine (3rd dec) and you already know far more than I do about what the reports say.
I have a question for you. How do you find out all this stuff? I only seem to be recieving letters with minimal information and have only had one appointment to discuss results for all the tests I have had.
I had FNA on both breasts, mammo us and addtional views last week. I know that two of the lumps were benign but am waiting on news of more lumps and mirco calcifications and expecting a date for a stereotactic biopsy OR NOT!!! That is how much I know.
Well done you for pinning down dates and times. I think I need to be more assertive in getting answers.
Stick to posting on here when you get fed up. I have found it both helpful and theraputic as there are so many people on here who have been down this route and know how you feel. Limbo land is not a nice place to be.
Good luck for the 8th and let us know how you get on.
Unfortunately I’m highly organized which is to my detriment really! I am also a health professional which makes things worse really as I want to know everything so I can try an rationalise stuff! I’m just too god damn nosey and ask way too many technical questions!!!
Thing is I like stuff to be black n white and I can’t deal with the grey area of not knowing! I’m an impatient little sod, if I know I can deal with things n get organized! If everything is fine I’ll kick myself for worrying so much!
I’m thinking of getting core biopsy done privately, but as my husband said it’s only a few days in the great scheme of things, n I should stop being so anxious lol!