I am soooooo depressed… Following FEC x 3, Taxol x 12, surgery, radiotherapy, I embarked on a year of Herceptin. That was last September and I have now had my 8th of 18. My Onc told me that Herceptin was ‘a breeze’ compared to my previous chemotherapy. That was very untrue! In October I started to get boils in my groin, thighs, ears & nose and my palms started to get red, sore spots and scaliness. Three months and many embarrassing, painful boils later, I was referred to a Dermatologist. He said the boils were Hidradenitis Suppurativa which I have googled and its a really horrible disease of pus and abscesses for which there is no cure, only treatment. In my palms and groin I now have itch, sore psoriasis, which is also not curable. It’s all really painful and uncomfortable. I am 51 and never had these problems before Herceptin.
Has anyone else had any similar skin problems or has any advice for me? I am contemplating stopping the Herceptin to see if that is what is causing the problem. I am running out of stamina for all this treatment now and just want to get back to some sort of normality. I have terrible muscle and joints aches and pains from the Herceptin too. Sorry to moan but all this just sucks!