I had breast cancer in 1994 and after treatment am now all right and on annual check ups. My sister has just had a lumpectomy and the lymph glands from under her arm removed.
She spent two days in hospital and was then sent home with her drainage bag with instructions how to empty the bag. District nurse would check her at home in three days time.
The district nurse whizzed in and out in five minutes. removed the drainage bag and left a pile of dressings for her to dress the wound herself.
As the wound is under the arm (and her arm is still stiff from surgery) this is rather difficult. The only solution is to ask her house mate or boyfriend to assist! Also the nurse left no plastic gloves which help keeping this wound sterile.
The district nurse says she will see her in the nurses clinic next week. Apparently this system is called hospital at home. I understand there is pressure on beds and of course the longer you are in hospital the more chance you have of contacting MRSA but it does seem rather casual.
Has anybody else come across this system? It does seem like NHS on the cheap!