Hospital follow up

Morning all.

I am really struggling at the moment and wonder if anyone can offer me reassurance. In a nutshell I was diagnosed with HER2+ primary breast cancer Feb 13, had lumpectomy, chemo, rads and Herceptin. Mammogram Feb this year was clear and I have my annual physical examination next Tuesday (7th June). My breast has always been lumpy following treatment but feels more so now. Have any of you experienced this? I know fibrosis is common after treatment but can it worsen after a few years? Or am I just paranoid in view of my pending appointment?

Any advice/reassurance would be gratefully received thanks all xxx

Hi Mac123, 

I am really sorry to hear you are going through this difficult time and feeling anxious. I am sure some of our users will be along soon to show their support and share their expereinces.

In the meantime please do call our helpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about fibrosis and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below.

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm,
Saturday, 9am-1pm 

Best wishes, 


 Hello there


I am not sure if I can reassure you but I can certainly empathise with your feelings which might be helpful if you know others feel the same as you,


I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in February 2015. I had eight sessions of chemo  after that I had a lumpectomy and month of radiotherapy.


I have had my firs mammogram giving me an all clear with the caveat that because I have dense breasts I have to be vigilant.


 I saw the surgeon as a routine check up six months after my lumpectomy (2 was ago)…  As a result of this she has requested an ultrasound scans because of thickening in the upper right quadrant area as well as under the arm. It can be due to scar tissue.


With exactly the same feelings and concerns as you I want to reassure you,  you are not paranoid we all go through the same anxiety regarding fibroses lumps and/or pain.


 Hoping everything goes okay on Tuesday. Let us know how you get on. My scan is on Friday!


Never ever feel worried about being paranoid. You’ve been through a lot and it’s normal to be anxious X