Hospital - Valuables

Hi Ladies,


Did you take your phone & any money with you to the hospital when you were having the operation or did you get someone to bring it in afterwards?

Also interested in this. What else did you take with you? 

I took my phone and iPad as thought I’d want contact with the outside world and knew the hospital had wifi - as it was I didn’t use the iPad but the phone was useful for contacting my family after the op.  I also took a book for all the waiting round before the op but again didn’t read it.  


I took a flannel and it was lovely as one of the nurses helped me dress the following morning and she freshened up my top half and washed my arms and back and then so gently patted me dry.  It nearly made me cry as reminded me of how my mum washed me as a child - although can’t remember being dried gently - was more a brisk rub!!

I was just worried about not having my glasses when I came round as I have very poor eyesight but they were there on the bedside table when I woke up

I was in for day surgery. I took my phone with me for distraction whilst waiting & for texting/phoning afterwards, when waiting for the OH to pick me up.
ann x

Where did you keep your phone while you were asleep?

I took my phone just left it on bedside table didn’t take money as went private