I hate to tell you this girls but I finished my chemo in September and am STILL very windy!!
Hi everyone,
Ive just been reading this thread and it really made me smile.I started getting hot flushes on the tax and they increased when i started tamoxifen but got some wonderful pills from Gp and only get a slight warm feeling now.
As for the wind i suffered during chemo and blamed the chemo then it continued during the rads and now im having herceptin im blaming it on that. Thats me covered for the next year LOL.
love to all
Sally xxx
Felt the same as you after FEC 4 and 5. Hot, cold and burping are par for the course. Also feel like I can’t be bothered to do anything, finding it difficult to get motivated at the moment! Never mind,last one on 19th Feb then radio in March.
This is my first message so would love to hear from anyone. x
Jovi - Hope your doing okay and glad your coming to the end of the one chapter.
I’m exactly the same. The burping and windy poos is really bad and whats really weird is before I starting FEC I felt I could control it but now things just have a mind of their own hmmmm …
Just as well we can smile about it
Good luck all
Krissy xx
Hi Flora
Why is Lactulose so popular with doctors and nurses? - surely they can never have tried it. Following my mastectomy I was horribly constipated - you go through all that surgery then its the bowels that make you feel rotten! Following several doses of the dreaded lactulose I bloated so much I looked ready to give birth and the wind was horrendous not to mention the pain.
It wasn’t until i was recommended to take it following my 1st chemo that i realised it was to blame for all that discomfort. I threw it away and took Ex-Lax chocolate - one small square before bed and it worked wonders. Might be worth a try next time.
Love & hugs x
My oncologist, when I first mentioned the problem asked the BCN what ‘we’ normally give patients and was leaning towards senna, but she recommended the lactulose to start with something more gentle. It sounds like it just isn’t enough for most of us.
I have movicol now but as I am now on Taxotere and only milder anti-sickness on the day of chemo, I don’t have such a problem. Things have gone the other way slightly, but not enough to be a problem!
Still keeping plenty of air fresheners in the office though…!
Just had to comment here, my son has just refused to sit in the same room as me due to FARTS… Damn great ones, Of course his mum doesn´t do that sort of thing! Yeh well live with it I have to !!!
I started my chemo last thurs, been through most SE´s then last night constipated, went to my pharmacia today she gave me a lovely little sweet syrup, then BAM, swelling started, and wind, my god I could run a whole feild of turbines one handadly!
So I hope i pass to join your lovely thread,
Take care, Love Teresa xxx
I have just finished chemo yesterday and hyped up today!!
On my fifth cycle I to got bad constipation, I had been given dioctyl (ducusate sodium) tablets but they didn’t do the trick and used some milpar, spoke to the chemo nurses and they recommended movicol so got some and it worked a treat, senna I found was to harsh and gave me awful cramps.
I have decided not to take the ondansetron anti-sickness for this last cycle, because with taxol I havn’t suffered nausea , but have the back up ones just in case.
good luck with movement
Ann x