Hot, cold, burp, fart...

Had FEC #4 last Wednesday and since then have had more hot flushes and sensitive tummy than before!

In the evenings, particularly, I am on and off with my dressing gown/cardigan/blanket - one minute freezing, and one minute roasting! I haven’t started sweating yet though…

I had asked whether I could not take the ondansetron but they said not to risk it, that constipation was easier to resolve than sickness, but although I have taken 15ml of Lactulose twice a day since then, I haven’t had much movement and my tummy feels tender. It’s annoying.

I know these side effects are nothing compared to so many of you, but I wanted to have a mini-rant and I knew you would understand!!

I still feel very, very lucky that this is the worst side effect I have experienced through chemo so far.
Flora xxx

Hi Flora, I had my 4th FEC on the 23rd of December and like you this was the worst so far for me too. I feel bad moaning too when others seem to have had so much worse to contend with, but we shouldnt, its still not nice!

The hot and cold thing is horrid and my tummy gets really sensitive around day 5 or 6 even if I havent really has constipation, but the worse for me is the strange feelings I get in my head! It feels very numb and tingly behind my nose for a couple of days and it drives me mad! I know its not as bad as some ladies get and like you apologise for moaning about it, but it still drives me insane!

Will be glad when its all over, hopefully my last one will be the 1st of Feb so about 10 days after that I hope I feel a but more like me again!

Dena xx

Same here but I have just had last chemo, so hope I stop smelling like a swamp monster soon, THe BC told me as soon as you get the chemo in , your digestive system just turns to rock, hence all the wonderfule perfume around. I found one movicol a day did the trick for me…still got a drawer full but will hang onto them jus in case, we get the blue haze around the house this week…looks very festive

keep warm all , or cold whichever comes on first xxx

flora - my hot sweats didn’t start til after the Fec, so TAX brought them on for me. As for underpant region, I ate prunes every day, but during the last 3 cycles of TAX I had a movicol sachet in cranberry juice every morning and it did the trick! Ask your GP to prescribe the sugar free flavourless ones. As you know the chemo accumulates… Best of luck xx

Flushes started after 2nd FEC…That was in April!! Started Tamoxifen in August and the hot flushes have carried on…Reckon I’m stuck with them now.! Periods haven’t returned either…so could be looking at the menopause…ho hum! Have been on Movicol since July and too scared to come off it as Tamoxifen bungs me up!! and suffer terrible piles thanks to TAX… All the best

Fiona xxx

Agreed Fiona, had the piles too with TAX, but seem to be disappearing now finished the chemo. Had my 2nd tamox tablet today, so a bit early for me to comment on tamox SEs but really hope they don’t interfere with my underpant region, as only just getting things settled again!

Thanks Jayney, a Movicol a day, eh? I might have to sort something out, as the Lactulose just isn’t cutting the mustard this time!! I have prunes… but I hate them, so they are staring at me from the fridge. And I have the hot sweats to look forward to, oh joy!!! :slight_smile:

FeeMac, I’m not looking forward to the Tamoxifen if it continues with this…

Dena, this was my last FEC, but I have 4 x Tax to come, so I am hopeful it won’t be so bad on that, but maybe not…

I had thought Tax didn’t cause nausea, so I was hopeful they don’t recommend ondansetron again. Is that not the case? I’ll find out when I go back in 3 weeks time, I guess.

I am only grumbling a little bit, as I know that give me another day or two and I will be feeling fine again.

Had a little sleep on the sofa this afternoon - hat is on, cardy is off, but I am sure they will be on and off and on and off again before the night is done!

Hi all.

I empathise with all of you regarding the hot flushes and night sweats. I had to stop my HRT once diagnosed so have had the flushes etc anyway.Now they are just a lot worse.

Had my first taxotere on the 31st december and am feeling pretty grotty at the moment. Very tired, a bit nauseous, achey all over. sore throat and mouth and a dodgy stomach. I assume this is all par for the course??

I have had different severities of side effects with each cycle of FEC, so am expecting some new ones on TAX.

I have been told that I will get sore nail beds and that they will probably fall off, am waiting for that with bated breath!! Lol.

Hope everyone undergoing treatment is as well as can be expected.

Take care, love and hugs. Debbie. xxx

Flora i took ondesetrone for the first 3 days after chemo and it never bothered me at all underpant wise and really knocked sickness into touch…just a thought! Chemo made me run to the loo so different issues!

Good luck


Flora thank you for such an inspired thread title! I am almost wanting to take up skipping again, just to try it out…

Hi all
As an IBS sufferer and intolerant to wheat and gluten, having toast, snadwiches, cakes, biscuits and anything with wheat in has actually helped where the Ondanestron is concerned in my case!! What I didn’t know was that you can get piles on chemo or fart as much:0 - Ooh the joys… and to think in 2 cycles time I could also be sweating as well … lovely :slight_smile:

Keep warm and well all

Leigh xx

Hi Flora

I finished Chemo a year ago - FEC and Tax. I had constipation with FEC but diarrhoea with Tax! You just can’t win. However there was no sickness with the Tax. I also got hot flushes and night sweats and know the hot cold feeling all too well. Unfortunately I still get it with the tamoxifen and now zoladex.

The worst thing with the Tax was a complete loss of taste buds and the aching joints.

I was prescribed emend (I think it was called) for sickness as the odenestrone didn’t work.

All the best with the Tax


Flora, know what you mean about the prunes, I used to cut them up really small and mix them into my porrdige. Just the thought of a prune now makes me come out in a cold sweat (or is that a hot sweat - lol)! No sickness or nausea for me on TAX - bonus. Took Ondestron for I think 2/3 days after chemo with no issues. Joint/bone ache, but once I knew what to expect I managed with paracetemol. Like Lynn, I fluctuated between diarhoea and constipation with TAX and the “runs” were favourable I can tell you, but only for a couple of days each cycle. Taste buds were shot at and furry mouth, but for me, once I knew what to expect I could take some control! The worst for me was the fatigue and lack of enery for the last 2 cycles (7&8), it really hit me. Get the movicol works a treat, lactulose just didn’t help for me!

oh, I also took a multibonita probiotic supplement throughout last 4 chemos as have a tendancy for IBS flare up. ONC agreed a good idea, but check beforehand as I know some ONCs are not too keen!

Thanks Gals!

Today, we had movement!! Yayy!!! I feel like I have lost 2lbs overnight. lol

whoooop, whoooop!

glad you were able to go

I know what you mean about the hot/cold thing. My hat is on and off all through the night. And as for the wind…Phew! every time I move!!! enough said!

I was walking across the car park today… parp…parp…parp…parp - all the way to my car!!! lol

I do manage to hold it in most of the time I’m in the office, but I’m not sure how!!

Hi Flora and all

Know what you mean about the parp, parp, parp when walking. However and shameful as it is if I’m walking the dog I just blame her if anyone else is around!!!:slight_smile: She can be so noisy sometimes!!

Hope Tax and SE’s is okay for you

Leigh xx