It’s a while since I have posted here but was wondering if anyone out there could help. Following mastectomy, tamoxifen and rescontruction at the age of 39 I have not been doing too bad but 9 years on I am struggling. I think I am getting the wonderful hot flushes and showing all the symptom of starting to go through the menapause. My problem is I live in Bangkok (the hotest city in the world) where the weather is great …about 33 degrees but 80% humidity. Add to that the hot flushes!!! This last month has been horrible and I am struggling to sleep and function on a day to day basis. Obvioulsy I can’t have HRT and all the research I have done is to avoid hot weather and spicy food - not an option!!! Does anyone one have any suggestions about what I could try to help the situation. Unfortuately leaving Thailand is not an option.
Thanks very much