Hot Flushes - 9 years on

It’s a while since I have posted here but was wondering if anyone out there could help.  Following mastectomy, tamoxifen and rescontruction at the age of 39 I have not been doing too bad but 9 years on I am struggling. I think I am getting the wonderful hot flushes and showing all the symptom of starting to go through the menapause.  My problem is I live in Bangkok (the hotest city in the world)  where the weather is great …about 33 degrees but 80% humidity.  Add to that the hot flushes!!! This last month has been horrible and I am struggling to sleep and function on a day to day basis.  Obvioulsy I can’t have HRT and all the research I have done is to avoid hot weather and spicy food - not an option!!!  Does anyone one have any suggestions about what I could try to help the situation.  Unfortuately leaving Thailand is not an option.  


Thanks very much


Hi Debjay,

Sorry to hear you’re suffering with the hot flushes.  I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication regarding breast cancer and the menopause, I hope you find it helpful.  As you are living abroad, I understand that it will be difficult for you to contact our helpline team by phone, but if there’s anything you would like to ask our team then please do try the Ask the Nurse email service, they will be only too happy to help.  I’ll put you the link below.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator