Hot Flushes & feeling sickly

Hot Flushes & feeling sickly

Hot Flushes & feeling sickly Hi Girls

I had my ovaries out in August, before that my last period was April 05 just as I was diagnosed with bc and just after having my lumpectomy.

Over the past few weeks after having the ovaries whipped out I have noticed that my hot flushes are a little more frequent, they don’t last too long and on the whole not that bad, but…sometimes especially after a hectic day (I went walking 3 times yesterday for a long time) the day after I start to feel a little down then I feel tired then I start to feel sickly.

Does anyone else feel this way, I hate feeling tired as it reminds me of the bad days on chemo then I start to feel very unsure about everything.

Its quite cruel sometimes, because on one day you feel ‘normal’ then the next day you feel like you are back to square one.

Any help or advice gratefully accepted…

Love Debbie x

Hot Flushes Debbie,

I had a hysterectomy in December 2004 (but they left my ovaries in)and was then diagnosed with bc the following November. I was fine and without hot flushes until I started chemo and now I am really struggling. I feel so tired and lifeless and yet my treatment finished 8 weeks ago. It’s got even worse since I went back on the Tamoxifen! I was told by my Oncologist that if it got any worse (which it has) he could give me something to help and I am just waiting to hear from him so I will get back to you and let you know if it works.xx


hot flushes I found having acupuncture for hot flushes helped a lot. The doctor who gave me the acupuncture also gave me a needle to help boost a feeling of wellbeing and that also seemed to help.


Me too Hi,
I know what you mean. I had had no periods since August 2004 and had my ovaries out Nov 2005. Although I had hot flushes etc for a year before, I noticed the difference between hardly working ovaries and none at all is huge. Three weeks after, it hit me like a brick wall. Three days before the 'op, I was running in St Lucia in 30C, no problem. Three weeks later I was a shadow of myself, the St Lucia me, a dream.
The hot bit of hot flushes is the least of it. Just before I get one, I feel anything from nausea, profound lethargy, dizziness, vagueness or the shakes. It is jolly frustrating having to work through this wall until it is all over 10-20 minutes later, especially when I’m doing something that requires concentration or stamina. I feel achey some days like I’m about to get ill and used to ‘set’ if I sat down, however, this is improving 10 months later. What has helped is Omega3. If I’m tired my hot flushes are more frequent and it is annoying to have to keep moderating my activity just to be functioning for the family. I know we are all different, but things have definitely become less severe, but I would like to know if this is it for ever, or whether I’ll ever get back to anything like I used to be. When I went walking in the Lakes in August, I too got the same pattern. I just look at ladies who have been through the menopause and hope that will be me one day. I guess we have it hard because the ovaries haven’t wound down over years.
I do sympathise, though can’t offer a solution, just encouragemant.
Take Care,

So pleased… Hi Girls

Thanks for your replies, Phoenix, you described perfectly the symptoms that Im having, it was also about 3 weeks after having the ovaries out that they became a lot worse. I suppose that we will get used to the sensations, but at the time, because it is a ‘new’ feeling it makes you very unsure again, I am also quite weepy. I suppose the up side is that we dont have to be bothered with the dreaded ‘monthly’s’ ever again, (I think that I was a bit ’ loopy’ with those as well!!

Thanks for all the advice!

Debbie x

old woman Yes- hot flushes make me feel very odd sometimes- quite unwell and fluey. Also still very stiff if sit for any time or on waking. Also achy back around shoulder which has been a problem since the op. I thought last night- oh I wish i could have my old body back!! I am encouraged that things will get better with time… but I do feel a bit sad today