I had my last chemo in February and finished radio 2 weeks ago. I am now sitting at home wondering what next, trying to get on with household stuff (washing and cleaning) but keep going from good days to bad days, some days are really good and others I sit and watch telly but not really watching it, find myself crying at nothing, not to mention the hot flushes throughout the day and night.
Everyong is saying I have got to try and get back to normal but what is nomal! Not to mention the thought of going back to work in a month (when my sick note runs out)!
Has anyone got any advise please?
Hi Nikki,
You’re not alone with feeling as you do at the mo.
Many of us here have had similar feelings after completing active treatment. I did not need chemo, but did find I felt low afterwards, with an anti-climax, what now? sort of feeling. It can also feel quite isolating, as well as losing the regular contact with professionals, which can feel a bit scary as well.
Ignore what others say, they have not been through it & do be kind to yourself. It takes time to recover emotionally, as well as physically.
Under the Equalities Act, employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments. Are you able to do a phased return &/or make any other adjustments?
If you haven’t already, it might be an idea to get some advice, others here have found Macmillan helpful on this.
Do take care of yourself
ann x
Hi Nikki
I remember when I was going through treatment I was warned that I may find the time after I finished treatment very hard. I didn’t understand what they meant until my treatment finished - you are no longer on the treadmill of chemo and radio appointments, nobody is checking you, nobody is there to answer questions. And worst of all everyone thinks that you are now “fixed”, like a broken leg healed, and so should be back to “normal”. It is really irritating when you get comments telling you to get on with things. If you can, either explain to your friends how you are feeling so that they can help - or avoid those who don’t understand.
I’d advise that it will get easier. At the moment your body is exhausted from all the treatments, both physically and mentally. You need to remind yourself that you just survived an amazingly tough set of treatments and need to be very kind and gentle on yourself at the moment. Take one day at a time. You will get used to a new normal. Are you on hormone tablets of any kind? They can make you very emotional too.
I did find it tough and decided to have some counselling to help - which was great. Can you look into counselling in your area? Talking really helps - I’m happy to chat more on here if it helps at all.
Sending you big hugs
Evie xx