Hot flushes

Hiya. All that talk of hot flushes here last night…woke up in night freezing …the feathers from my duvet all drop to the edges and so nothing to keep me warm. New duvet I think this week. haha.

Janette it’s funny ive started drinking decaff coffee but I’ve been drinking loads because it’s decaff wonder if that triggers the flushes too. My oncologist has recommended acupuncture at the hospital I’m on a waiting list. Carolyn the wool quilts are nice but don’t make much of a difference to the flushes. X x x

Don’t drink decaf. A small survey done in europe somwwhere showed that the chemicals used in the decaf process …activate cancer cells !!
Better to enjoy one proper coffee a day . I enjoy a glass of tonic water evenings and that
Seems to help me sleep.
Hugs xxx

Never I didn’t know that God you think your being healthy by cutting out the caffeine thanks Carolyn I won’t drink anymore. I wouldn’t care I’ve drank loads thinking it’s got nothing in it x x

Oh jultz .
Hope I haven’t put u into panic mode. Sometimes we think these things are good for us but sometimes better to have the proper version. It’s like for years I have been buying these low Chlorestral margarine …now they say its better to have proper butter as the marg is 30%rubber or something ?

I love my duvet so have been up today and shook the feathers back into the middle again !
You are putting me in the shade with all your shopping …I must not buy another sofa as I only had a new one December !!

Carolyn I panic everytime I eat sugar mind that’s after I’ve ate it lol doesn’t stop me. I am joining slimming world tomorrow I can feel the weight going on with these hormone Meds. I need to buy a sofa for the summer house had a look today there just as expensive as real ones didn’t think of that lol x x

Hi Ladies,

I have just been catching up on all of the posts. I was on tamoxifen before i found out it had come back in bones last year. I had terrible hot flushes whilst i was on tamoxifen , a few times a day at least.

I am now on Letrozole and monthly Zoladex injections and i can honestly say my hot flushes have now reduced to maybe one or two a week if that. 

It is wonderful, no more kicking the duvet off, then pulling it back on, then kicking off again. I was ending up exhausted due to lack of sleep.

I used to constantly have a topped up ice bucket at hand, so i could dab the inside of my wrists and behind each ear, as and when i needed to. Dont know why this worked but it always did.

As for caffeine and butter…I have never liked margarine but do have olive spread in the house but I am partial to a bit of country life butter!!..Im not really a coffee drinker, i occassionally have a latte but i have stuck to my normal tea bags, cant stand the de-caf tea.

My BCN, has always said to me, “just carry on the way you are, eating healthy when you can, but sometimes making lots of radical changes can actually do more harm than good”. So that is what I have done. Maybe its wrong maybe its right.

Hugs to everyone

Karen x

Why don’t u look on. E bay or gumtree for a sofa as u can sometimes get some bargains. Its going to get damp and mouldy in winter time as summer houses get dampish.


Karen. I did tamox for two years and it was a nightmare. Found myself dabbing wet wipes and tissues over my face all day and nights we’re worst.letrozole isn’t so bad and of course I’m an old bird of 63 now!!

What we women have to put up with.


I found layering clothes at work helped, then at least I wasn’t down to my undies by the end of the day ?

Think I might have discovered what I’ve been doing wrong I’ve got a padded mattress protector on my bed I bet that doesn’t help ! X

The padded matress cover won’t make that much difference because they are cotton. I have memory foam mattress and memory foam toppers on my beds …so comfy and cosy but they would make u hot !!
Hopefully once yr injections settle …u will b fine.