Hot Sweats

Hi has anyone had the hot sweats whilst on herceptin. It’s like going through the menopause again. My face goes bright red and I feel all flushed. I have also put half a stone on since herceptin despite going vback to work and generally being much busier. Also still got dry skin this started when on taxoter. I was always a greasball and now have problems still with nails abd skin. Finished taxoter in May 2007. Love Eileen

Hi Eileen

If you wish to discuss this further with one of our specialist nurses please fell free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm. Alternatively you can use our ‘Ask the Nurse’ service whereby you can email your query in to the team, you will find this service under the ‘Support for you’ tab at the top of this page.

Kind regards

hi eileen
i have suffered really badly with hot sweats i hadn’t been thru menopause so presumed i had now started it with the chemo, i have been on taxotere and herceptin, I’ve had 6 of each. chemo finished now but still on herceptin and hot sweats haven’t stopped so maybe it is the herceptin also i have put on 4 and a half stone over last 5 months! my nails are brown because of the taxotere (i was warned of this). I’m not sure what treatments cause what anymore!

take care Liz

hi again
just read what i wrote only put on 1 and a half stone (must feel like 4)