How breast feels after lumpectomy

I am 7 weeks post WLE.  At about 5 weeks the breast seemed to get a hard “crescent” in the area where the tumour was removed. I suppose it is scar tissue.   When I run, not that I am a runner, but dashing across the street if the light is about to change for example, it is uncomfortable.  Has anyone else had this as I wonder if it is normal?


Hi there

It sounds like scar tissue. I had WLE back in October and to be honest I didn’t notice much but then had bilateral mx in April and have lots of scar tissue which gave me a lot of pain along my ribs. It does soften though and massaging it helps. Mine is already much better and I can lie on my sides again which I couldn’t do for ages. x

Hi ,I am 5 weeks post lumpectomy , feel like my breast is changing in appearance and how it feels week by week.Very lumpy at the moment and uncomfortable sometimes, think it is part of the healing process, having had operations before I remember that scars can feel very different as healing continues…