How can I support my mum?

Hi all,

My wonderful mum has breast cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. The side effects have started to appear physically and she has purchased a wig to wear out and about. She is a very strong brave lady and is trying to put on a front to me and my younger sisters. However as i know that she is scared inside (I know her better than she thinks haha) and I’m living away at university I often find myself getting upset at the thought of her feeling scared and alone. I’ve been trying to get home as much as possible but I’m also trying to pick up more hours at my part time job as well as uni so I dont have to ask her for financial help anymore while she has treatment so I am workingfull time hours which is proving difficult.

I want to do things to help and support her, maybe send something little that could help in some way etc but i’m not sure what type of thing will be of help or not. Also,with mothers day coming up I’m struggling on something useful. She mentioned having some accessories for her wigs that she could use to do something a ittle different but i’m not too sure what work with wigs and what don’t. Could anybody help me please?? or any other ideas from anybody with more experience than myself?

Thank you all so much

Monique x


Hi monique, so sorry you and your mum are going through this. I’m coming to the end of my chemo now. Friends have bought me some lovely presents. Creams and lotions are all good as the skin does get very dry, but nothing too smelly as if she is feeling sick it can put her off using them. How about ordering her some graze boxes for her to nibble on. There is a lots of websites for scarves and accessories, I used annabandana which has lots of variety available. Maybe a magazine subscription, or some of her favourite puzzle books, really good to keep the mind occupied!
Wishing your mum lots of luck with her treatment, she’s very lucky to have such a caring daughter xxx

Hi Monique,

Your Mum is very lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter but please don’t neglect your studies by taking on too much!  There is a good thread on here ‘top tips going through chemo’ and there are many suggestions on there for useful gifts  .  Graze boxes is a great idea, but also manuka honey, ginger biscuits, ginger and lemon tea, unscented soap and bath products (try the health food shops they can suggest good stuff), headscarves  - if she dosn’t feel like wearing the wig, buffs, a couple of good books, chick filicks etc.  Some people feel quite chilly doing the chemo so a fleece throw might be useful…

Try not to stress yourself too much - you say she may be scared and alone - encourage her to come on here or join the fb page, then she can meet others to support her.

She will get through this with a bit of help from you and your sisters 

