I would like advice/guidance please about how to set up an on-line petition for cancer patients in Sussex, Surrey and Kent and whether I would be allowed to put the link to it on this site ?.
I would like to lobby the South East Coast Specialist Commissioning Group (who consider specialist funding applications on behalf of PCT’s in Surrey, Sussex and Kent), to end their blanket ban on funding Cyberknife radiotherapy.
I know that I was very lucky to have my Cyberknife treatment paid for by Charity, but I can’t in all conscience, stand by and watch other NHS patients refused funding for this potentially life-saving treatment, and do nothing. I know that they may just ignore any petition, but at least I will have tried.
Hi Im not sure if this is what you are looking for but hope it helps.Also if you google how to start a petition theres lots of information.
Thanks for posting the info Stressy-Messy, but it isn’t really what I’m looking for. I want to petition the SECSCG, rather than Government).
I just want to set up a petition on-line that I can put a link to on this site, and others, for everyone to sign.
Sorry it wasn’t what you were looking for.Hope someone comes along soon who can help
Good luck,and I will sign if you get it up and running
Hi Lemongrove,
Sorry I can’t help with information. I hope a moderator will notice this thread and let you know if you can post a link once you’ve got it sorted. As you know, I live in Sussex - is it the whole of Sussex that refuse to consider?
Anyway, I think the petition is a good idea and would sign it.
Hi Lemongrove,
Here’s a link to a petitions website that might help.
Jo, Facilitator