I am due to start chemo - doxorubicin then CMF- but haven;t had my first date yet as onc has been on leave. I should hear on Thurs and they have promised it will be ‘very soon’ after that. I am just wondering - if my chemo starts week beginining Dec 3rd won’t the next one be due around christmas? does anyone know if they continue to treat people during holiday periods? Also, to what extent can the treatment be delayed once started - does the odd day matter?
I was also due chemo during Christmas week and was assured that it wold go ahead as normal - but this might be different in different areas. As it is I’ve just had another break from chemo so, if all goes to plan, chemo 5 will be the friday before Christmas. I have had a week’s delay after first chemo and am currently on a two week delay - when i asked whether this will affect the outcome i was assured not. Another lady i met has had 4 out of her six chemos delayed by a week, so it seems that this is something that does happen, so not to worry.
I lost my hair around day 14 of my first cycle, five days later my daughter trimmed it and since around day 21 I’ve had no further hair loss (looks a mess but I refuse to part company with the stray strands, they give the illusion of a fringe under hats etc), but everyone is different.
hope this helps
Ruth x
Thanks for comments. I am still off work after mastectomy with immediate recon 6 weeks ago and although i feel ok now can’t really see going back to work as an option till i have some info about chemo dates. I am sooo bored at home but i am a teacher and school doesn;t really want me back for a few days just to be off again with the first chemo. It is really frustrating waiting! I seem to always be caught up in oncologist or consultants holidays!
I hope the doctors aren’t taking their kids out of school for these holidays! Hope the chemo isn’t too bad for you - some people seem to sail through, hope you are one of them
My mum has her first chemo on the 4th of december…the next one is due on xmas day! Obbviously people are not going to be in there on xmas day- needless to say i think no one wants their chemo on xmas say! My mum is going to clatterbridge (we usually go to chester hospital) for her 2nd lot which has been slightly extended to the 27th december- we are lucky that clatterbridge is close enough to travel too, i think they are open around the holidays because it’s the centre for onocology, as opposed to chester which is not so specialised? i dunno, or maybe it is important that the chemo is kept to when it is meant to be.
I’ve been to see my oncologist today and was given date for first chemo - 12th of December. They said they’d scheduled it for that date to try to avoid Christmas so it may be the same for you. Unfortunately for me the 12th is the day before my birthday!
Hi Ruth,
I am due 3rd chemo on the 7th Dec which makes my 4th the 27th, I was told would only be given dates depending on my bloods. No delays as yet.
I started to lose my hair day 14 after the first chemo and by day 22 it looked dreadful, I was admitted to hospital the day after my 2nd chemo and one of the nurses shaved off what was left. I had very thick long dark reddish hair, I refused to have it cut short so there was long hairs every where. I am still quite upset about losing hair as still havent had my wig cut so have been wearing hats and scarfs.
Good luck this is grim treatment but worth it.
Jackie xxxx
My next treatment is definitely the 21st with a neulasta injection on the 23rd. Hubby’s doing christmas dinner; says it can’t be much different to a sunday lunch (which he has done before and made such a kerfuffle about!). Hope I can appreciate it though can’t imagine having tastebuds by day 5. Maybe. Nearby farm sells bird in a bird in a bird so surely he can bung that in the oven. May have to test for food poisoning though!
Kind of written off this year although insistent sister in law ringing already to “visit” over chiristmas with her family but really don’t think we should go there. Don’t need the extra stress!
We’ve just hit the party seson haven’t we. Thank goodness its also the season for hats and scarves too! Nevertheless, I could have saved a fortune on haircuts and waxing had this happened in the summer!
Nina x