How has the coronavirus pandemic impacted your access to breast cancer screening?

Share your experience: How has the coronavirus pandemic impacted your access to breast cancer screening?

What is this?

Robert Largan MP is leading a Parliamentary debate on breast cancer screenings on 16 December, at 2:30pm in Westminster Hall.

He wants to hear your stories to inform his debate, and is asking: “How has the coronavirus pandemic impacted your access to breast cancer screenings?”

The contributions will feed a debate briefing, outlining the key themes, with some of the best quotes to illustrate them. Robert Largan MP might quote and refer to your contributions during his speech.

Who’s organizing it?

The House of Commons assists all Members of Parliament (MP) with their public engagement and promotional work.

They are assisting Robert Largan MP by engaging the public with the debate, and are using social media to ask the public about their experiences of the issues being raised.

What’s the criteria for taking part?

There’s no criteria. You only need to have had experience of breast cancer screening during the pandemic, and be interested in sharing it with the House of Commons.

What do I need to do?

You can comment on their Facebook post:

If you’d prefer to contribute privately, you can do it through here:

When’s the deadline?

Midday on Tuesday, 15 December.