How is everyone getting on?

Just a nice friendly enquiry to you all. No need to reply if you don’t choose to! But it’s always good to hear from people.

Jan x


Hi Jaybro,  was good to see your name here,  we were both on here at the same time in 2019.  So how are things with your ongoing treatment ?  Im doing good really,  still a little neuropathy in feet and arm i had picc line in is unusual.  The pins n needles in my face which seems to be spreading is a nuisance .  Seen various consultants but nobody seems to know what causes it.  I suggested it was my chemo/filgrastim but my oncologist said she had never heard of it causing these symptoms in the side of my face.   Did some research online andi did find that chemo can cause neuropathy in face ?‍ :female_sign:
got a phone consult in June with my surgeon and appt with my oncologist in october.

let me know how you’re doing.   Jan x

Hi everyone, 

not doing too bad at the moment. Glass is still half full Oncologist appointment tomorrow to confirm next steps which is supposedly GemCarbo to deal with the new nodules in my other lung. Let’s see what he says as it wouldn’t be the first time plans were changed.
Just had a couple of days in Paris with 2 of my sons. Walked a lot but had a lovely time. Making memories, not because we have to but because we can. 



Just about to start Pembrolizumab plus NAB-Paclitaxel. 24 weeks in combo then another 18 months of Pembrolizumab on its own if it is working. Somewhat worried about neuropathy as I have some residual effects from last year’s Paclitaxel, but I don’t really have a choice as Pembrolizumab isn’t authorised as a mono therapy for TNBC. And pembrolizumab is really my only hope.