How long after lumpectomy does radiation start?

Hi ladies. How long after lumpectomy does radiation start? I had wle &snb 16 of August. One lymph node removed and it was clear. I’m fully healed. Must say the surgeon did a very good job. My onco appointment has been scheduled for 19.09. I’ve noticed that everything takes place every 2-3 weeks so follow this patern I’m not going to start radio before middle of October. Isn’t it too long? What is your experience? Thanks



I think every hospital is different and also they like to make sure that you have healed sufficiently for the radiotherapy.  In my case I had my onco apt 5 weeks after I had surgery, then my planning apt was 30/11 and I started rads on 20/12 last year.  From my op to the start of my rads it was 9 weeks, my surgeon told me that as long as I started within 12 weeks of surgery that was ok.


I think you are right it does seem to be 2-3 weeks between everything and even the rads seem to be in general 3 weeks in total unless you are having boosters.


Helena xx

Hi Naza,I think my gap between the op and rads was about 6 weeks, mainly because I said I didn’t mind what time of day i had it, just wanted to get on with it. If I’d had a choice of the same regular time each day it would have started 2 weeks later, so I think you’re well on schedule if you have it mid-October. Good luck. Glad you are all healed well after surgery and pleased with the result. I was pleased with my WLE and SNB as well - thought it would look like a dog’s dinner and it was so neat. Told the surgeon I was well impressed with his handiwork. Nearly 9 months on now and hardly a trace of a scar. All the best with your rads. xxxxx

Hi Naza

Just wanted to say that I was also told there is a 12 week window between surgery and follow on treatment.

Sue xx

Hi Naza,

I think my experience may not be typical, but it was 5 weeks to the day after my last chemotherapy (I had chemo first) to the day of my surgery, and it will be 4 weeks to the day after surgery for my first radiotherapy session.  My surgery was also WLE and SNB, it has healed very fast and cleanly.

Had surgery 18th June started radiotherapy 21st August .Seems to be about average .

Im really stressing out now. Just got my letters regarding radiotherapy. My planning appointment is scheduled for 5.10 and radio starting 31.10. That will be 11 weeks after surgery. Isnt that too long? What is the point having radio 2.5 months after surgery? Shouldnt that be done ASAP too kill what is left? Dont understand this at all!

That really does seem like a long time Naza- I started 2 weeks after planning appointment .Have you asked them about the timescales ?

Hi naza
As I mentioned previously, follow on treatment should be started within 12 weeks after surgery. So even if it feels like along time, its still ok.
Sue xx

I think some hospitals are a lot busier than others.

Hi Napa. I waited 14 weeks! My op was 22 June, and I started beginning of October! They were so busy in the Rad Department, I had no choice but to wait. I’m 2 years clear and hope to remain that way. Ces.

I had my operation on the 6th June and didn’t start radiotherapy until the 16th August - 11 weeks.  


It did feel like a long time to me but our hospital only has one radiotherapy machine.



Hi, I had my surgery (Lumpectomy and SNLB) on 07/08 and have just been given my date for Radiotherapy to begin on 21/11 - 18/12 (20 sessions of Radiotherapy). This to me seems like a very long time to wait but I started Tamoxifen on 03/10 so at last I have some protection whilst waiting for Radiotherapy to the affected breast. Also awaiting Genetic test to come back to see if I and my identical twin have the BRCA 1&2 Gene… which if positive will mean further surgery. (Both my identical Twin and I were diagnosed within 2 weeks of each other and now our older sister had been diagnosed with Breast cancer too!

I will start Rad 15 weeks after surgery… do you think this is ok?

My surgeon has recently advised me to.go ahead with a pre booked holiday and have rads on my return. This will be something in the region of 15 weeks since surgery. 8mm tumour removed with clear margins and 2 clear nodes. My surgery was on 8th November. I am picking up my letrozole script tomorrow. I am concerned the info I have been given Is not right due yo guidelines staring it should start within 12 weeks after surgery. Anyone else waited this long?

Hi I have an appointment with the onco about rads on Wednesday. My bcn said she might rush my rads to get done b4 my holiday but my surgeon said to wait as we are booked long haul and I would be too uncomfortable!!! Tbh I feel o have had conflicting advice and info all the way along this 'journey. I went out to a party last night for the first time since being did and I only drank 2 wines the whole night. So scared of it coming back er+. I feel that I am now a prisoner to this blasted disease. Everyone said I was too quiet and not my usual lively vivacious self!! So down today then feel so ungrateful as at least I am here!!!