I had bc at 31 and again at 39 (other boob). Now have the choice of doube mast and recon - have only just finished rt for right boob.
From reading previous posts it appears you have to wait 12 months to give area time to recover for radiotherapy.
Will i be able to have left side done now and right side in one year or is the trend to wait and have both done. I have brca1 gene but this wasnt found out unitl afer the 2nd primary breast cancer this year.
Not sure if we have “spoke” before but I was advised to have both breasts removed after diagnosis due to family history and i am fine with this. I had mastectomy last year, chemo and rads all to the left. I was told 12 months before I could have recon and so in the meantime i have had my left breast removed with immediate LD flap recon. Once my 12 months are up (April next year) I shall go in to have the left side reconstructed and I will finally be level again
My breast surgeon recommended having my operations split. I could choose either just mastectomy or mastectomy with recon, I opted for the latter as couldnt bear to have no boobs but thats just me.
I was glad to have them split as I was quite uncomfortable initially following the op and I think I would have struggled having them done at the same time but on the other hand I do now have to go through it all again. There are women on here who have had bilateral recon and have done very well and my hat goes off to all of them.
Thanks for discussing your experience with me… as you say some people have both done at the same time, some can only have on done at a time, like you the thought of no boobs just doesnt come into it.
I have a feeling i will be offered mastectomy and recon on left… which was treated 9 years ago… but will have to wait till next year for right one… what im confused about is would it be better or is it even possible to have mastectomy on right one as have only just finished rads… or is it only possible to have mast a year after rads… does the skin not heal well?
Im not sure if i had the choice to have left done now and right next year or if i have both done together next year they might match better, but if i leave left breast till then im scared another lump will grow… as i believe it will be when the next lump appears not if!!
I have an appt on 25th but it seem so far away… what with hot sweats and nightmares i feel quite mad !!
With regards to having recon after rads I have heard that some consultants will do the recon 6 months after rads and some 12 months after rads. I believe they wait because the radiotherapy affects the tightness of the skin and so they allow it time to heal before recon.
The 25th is only two weeks away, it will fly by. Make yourself a list of questions at least that way you wont forget anything - thats what I did Consultant probably thought I was nuts but I like to be well informed
I have a list as long as your arm, my hubby and i have even found an american site that shows you how different types of recon are done, which when i 1st saw it was squinting through one eye… but now im determined to know as much as possible… im a nurse and i keep getting’ you will already know alot’ well when it comes to your own body all sense, reason and knowledge flies away and i become a gibbering wreck… but am getting better. I agree that ‘chemo memory loss’ does apply to me!! I have lists for everything now!!
Also have found some picutures of recon, I used to work on breast care ward, so have both patient and nurse side experience of mast but not recon…some pictures till seem to look odd to me… .but have contacted nurse that works with the pc im going to see and she has had recon done… so will go and have coffee with her …
Being nosey again, how old are you now and how long have you since you dx.
Hi Wendy,
I too am about to undergo a second mastectomy 2 years after my first! I am having reconstruction with permanent implant followed by rads and my surgeon not mentioned any problem. I was due to have chemo and rads after my first mastectomy and ld reconstruction but it was decided to just do the chemo by my oncologist to preserve the nipple but it was expected my my surgeon and he never commented on a time period between. I am based at Guildford RSH. I do hope that your op goes well and you are very brave. My first reconstruction was brilliant so you will still feel good about yourself.
Take care and keep in touch with progress.
Love Sue xx
I too had a look at phots on the internet. I had originally wanted to go for the tummy recon thinking I would get a tummy tuck at the same time but seeing the size of the scar put me off (and the fact that I havent finished adding to my family yet) and my PS suggested using my back. I have to say I am only 3 weeks post-op and am really chuffed with the results. My friend from the local BC Support Group had had a bilateral LD recon and showed me the results - they look really good and she’s really pleased with them, as is another friend from the same group.
I was diagnosed June 2006 aged 26. I had left mastectomy July 06, chemo Sept 06 - March 07, rads April 07 and right mast with immediate recon Aug 07. I am due to have my left side reconstructed April 08 and then oopherectomy but not until I have another baby (or two). Thankfully the chemo hasnt made me infertile, we declined private fertility treatment after much debate and are pleased that we did. I did fall pregnant (by mistake) 3 weeks after rads finished but the baby died at 8 weeks so had an op to remove it all. Just want to get all the ops out the way and then we will try for another, we already have a nearly 3 year old who has been fantastic throughout all my treatment, bless him he has really had to grow up quick.
I must admit I feel like I have been living a “half life” whilst only having the one breast and am so pleased with the results of my first recon I cant wait till the next so I can start living my life again. I even suggested to my PS that if the op was done a little quicker than planned I wouldnt mind if he did the other side, I would sign the consent form after no probs - didnt work though
Dear Ju, I know what you mean about a hallf life but in my case its like everyone else is sailing on with their life and this is the 3rd year out of 10 that i have been sidelined and everything goes on hold. I know i should be glad that i havea future but some days its hard, i had been in post as a practice nurse for a year and just getting on my feet and now i feel when i do go back i will have to learn it all over again… then we get into a whole new ball game of ‘do empoyers have to keep your post open for you?’.
I am going to have oophorectomy asap… im 40 in a week or so… but unlike yourself i’ve never wanted children but after 1st chemo at 31 nothing seemed to work so the choice was not there. My heart goes out to you and the sh** you have been through. Your a very brave lady and cheeky, keep on at the ps and see if you can twist his arm… its like waiting for christmas… and you have so much life you want to get on with once you have the other breast done… what with your 3 year old … bet you cant wait. Enjoy it cos in a blink of an eye 40 is just round the corner. An your memory starts to go… and gets lots worse when you get to 28 !!!
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your reply, Im sorry to hear your needing another op, is it recon and rads this time, no chemo? Im a nosey nurse so forgive me, what type of tumour did yo hae? … Im still getting to terms with the types of recon… ld… is that the back one… then you have an implant put on top of the muscle… will you be having the same type this time or just the implant part… its all very confusing the variety of options. I’m swaying toward (if ifs an option) the tummy tuck and rebuild. Due to the oral and neck cancer my left shoulder is already very weak and painful… so im reluctanct to have any shoulder surgery. And i would dearly love a flat tummy. I know the success rates due to blood supply but my thinking is if it goes wrong, and the have to come off and be redone with implants then at least i have a flat tummy. The scar wont matter cos no one has seen my stomach for years… i like my cleavage but dont have the figure for short tops!! I wish!!
I will be going to city hospital birmingham… i have a wonky windpipe due to rt to neck…so putting me to sleep is a little bit of an odd way… it all goes down my nose while im awake… not nice… but thats just what has to happen.
thnka you both for replying, would love to hear how you are both getting on, it’s reassuring to know there are other ladies out there who are willing to help ou throught this difficult time. And being at home sometimes the computer is the only way of communicating… as some days i dont want to talk or see anyone, then the next day im back to be my cheery mad self!!!
Hope the weather is nice there, its lovely and sunny, so am off to work for dreaded meeting, then off to lunch with my mate xx
Look forward to hearing from you both if you have 5 mins