How long between op and rads starting

Hi all,


Just finished Chemo (yay!) and have op scheduled for 6th Nov, but wanted to see peoples experiences of time between op and rads starting. Am having double MX with no recon, am younger (33) so hoping I will bounce back quickly as chemo hasn’t caused many problems, have worked and juggled my 1 year old throughout (with help from husband around his work!)




Hi Rodent!
Funny that you got the bunny symbol! They like to wait until the wounds/scars have completely healed. For me, after lumpectomy and 3 nodes being removed radio started 8 weeks after op, with planning sessions (they work out angle of radio beams etc and place tiny tattoos on you so they know they’ll get you lined up properly each time) approx 6 weeks after op. I’m sure someone will respond about timescales after mastectomy. Eat loads of protein to help you heal quickly. Good luck.

Depends on where you live so anything between 4 and half weeks and 3 months. That’s my experience anyway!!!

I finished chemo on 15 July and had my double mix and lymph nodes clearnance on 11 August and started radiotherapy on 26 September - hope this helps - I did have to bring rads date forward as the hsptial and BCN mucked up 2 appointments so I missed 2 weeks of set appointments through no fault of my own - they do check on how you are draining and healing

Hi Rodent

I had chemo first followed by op on 8th Sept, wle and axillary node clearance. I am still waiting to start rads as had seroma which became infected and was seeing my consultant 2-3 times a week to have it aspirated. I still have a leakage and wound not 100% healed so still have no idea when I will be able to start rads. I really hope I can start soon so I can get it over with before Christmas. Good luck with your op on 7th Nov.