How long did you wait between surgery and starting Chemo?

I know I should be a ‘waiting’ expert by now but would really like to know how long you had to wait between your surgery and starting your Chemotherapy?
I had a double breast reduction and lumpectomy on the 14 December 2010, and met up with my consultant on the 5th January. Mixed results from the surgery, so I now need to have 6 chemo sessions. My consultant advised me that the Oncologist would be in touch soon, but I haven’t heard anything yet. (Perhaps I’m being too impatient!!) I know everyone’s surgery is different but would like a rough idea how long I will have to wait as if its several weeks, I’m considering returning to work prior to chemo commencing. Many thanks for your help. Dx

I had to wait 7 weeks for the first actual chemotherapy session, but this was because of the holidays and delays caused by the bad weather in December. I believe the official guidelines are that treatment should begin, or at least there should be a planned date, one month after surgery if there are no complications. I was actually relieved by the delay, because I had visions of being too ill to eat over Christmas.

Do you have a BCN you can ask? She might be able to get a better forecast for you. But you really should hear soon. (My centre was still dealing with cancelled and postponed appointments when I was treated last week.)

Good luck with your treatment,


I think there has to be a 4 week gap, just so your body is strong enough for the chemo, but you really should be chasing them now. The point of chemo is to zap any stray cells before they take hold.

I just about slipped through the rads net and ended up having a 6 week gap between mx and rads, it really does pay to make friends with your bc nurse and follow everything up. You have to see your onc and then get an appointment int he chemo unit, so it could be a few more weeks. My hospital had a meeting every Thursday where the whole team would discuss the results and plan of action, it may be that you just missed the weekly meeting and are on the next one.

Call you bc nurse and get her to find out where your action plan is at.

Hi I had lumpectomy 1st december and 1st chemo 7th Jan so about 5 weeks. Love Alison x

I had to wait five weeks. 8th Sept and 14th october.
Best wishes Stella x

I would chase up the oncology department if you don’t hear anything soon. My lumpectomy was done at the hospital where the breast care centre and one stop investigations are done, but chemo and rads are all done at a different hospital. When I went for my results a fortnight after my lumpectomy and SNB, the doctor said I would have an appointment in a week and start chemo the following week - that was a Thursday. When I had heard nothing by Tuesday I rang and was told they only send the referrals through on Wednesdays! - so virtually a week gone already. Anyway the receptionist was really nice and promised to ring with an appointment when the referral came through. She rang on wed afternoon with an appt for Thursday. Chemo started two weeks after that. Seems doctors not quite sure how it all works behind the scenes.

Stella xx

Hi, had my mx&recon 15th feb last year, 1st Chemo 8th April. No-one seemed concerned about these timelines. Good luck. X

mx 13th Oct, chemo started 29th Nov. They only phoned a couple of weeks before though.

Hi Dmh,

I had SNB & WLE this morning but asked my CS yesterday about timeframes from onward treatment etc. I’m due to get my results on 21st and apparently the oncologist (who gets them around the same time as my CS) will call me in during the following week. If your area is the same as mine (Hereford) you will hopefully hear from oncologist this or next week - fingers crossed for you. The waiting is awful isn’t it. Cyber hugs & best wishes. Chris

DX 11/09, WLE & Ancillary Node Removal 4/10, chemo started 26/11. Did have to wait for the onc appointment, thought I been forgotten…

Lump, no node involvement though!

SJ xx

I was told 6-8 weeks post surgery, as they need to allow time for the wound to heal, as chemo slows healing apparently. I had my reconstruction on 15th Oct and started 1st FEC on 9th Dec.

I did ask my BCN and she chased the oncology Dept, so I saw the oncologist on 16th Nov and chemo started 9th Dec (they did want to start 30th Nov, but I asked them to delay due to other plans)

The gap also gave me the chance to have a cycle of IVF to freeze some eggs.



I only had to wait 3 weeks between WLE with SNB and starting chemo.
Originally my Onc said it would be about 6 weeks but I wanted to get started asap.

Sue xx


My surgery was on the 10th September and had to wait until 1 November to start chemo (just over 7 weeks). When I tried to move forward my onc advised that they prefer to start within 12 weeks of an op so I was well within the timescales.

Hope you do not need to wait too long.

Thanks for everyone’s responses. I took your advice and contacted my bcn today. I explained that it would be really helpful if I knew when my appointment was likely to be, even if it was 4 weeks away. As, I would ideally like to return to work before I start chemo, this being at home is driving me crazy ;p
The nurse explained that my chemo was more precautionary? than urgent as they are confident they were able to remove all the cancerous cells, and my nodes were clear. However, as my lump moved from a grade 2 to a grade 3 a course of chemo would be required.
Has put my mind at rest (the postman must think I’m a strange woman, always hovering at the window!) and would like to thank everyone for their advice and comments. Love and hugs Donnax