So I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here but if my IBC-like breast changes (no lump but skin texture change, vascular congestion, red marks) are not clear on the ultrasound tomorrow then I imagine they will do biopsies (I’m possibly too young for a mammo as I’m 30).
How long do you have to wait for biopsy results if they do them at a one-stop appointment? Do you get the results the same day or go back a week later?
Do you know how it would work for several different areas of skin that are affected? I have enlarged pores [possibly peau d’orange], redness and bite-like marks- do you know whether each skin lesion would be biopsied?
I didn’t need one in the end- the ultrasound showed benign inflammation and thickened tissue (is that normal?) so the consultant didn’t seem concerned!
I don’t have health anxiety/hypochondria but I’m a bit concerned about the inflammation and thickening shown on my ultrasound, particularly when there is no known cause.
I phoned today and was told that the breasts look healthy (despite the fact that the sonographer and nurse practitioner mentioned inflammation on ultrasound) but that there might be lymphadenitis/lymphadenopathy.
I was just wondering- do you know if it’s possible to get a second opinion on this? Or to ask the GP for a private referral for a second ultrasound? I didn’t get to see breast surgeon/doctor in the end at the clinic.