How long do you have to wait for results

Hi Everyone.
I am new to this site. Just had my lymph nodes out and a cancer lump removed from my breast been home for a week now I am still really sore…
I am feeling really depressed I am waiting for my results its been 2 weeks and 1 day since the op… can anyone advise me how long you have waited for results… I phoned my bc nurse, aand they assured me they would ring when they get them. but Im feeling very anxious!!!

Sounds like an awfully long wait to me (mine was 9 days)…Have you tried 'phoning your onc’s secretary instead?



I had a WLE recently and have to wait 2 or 3 weeks for results. The BCN has also told me she will get in touch with me to arrange an OP appointment as soon as they have them.

The waiting game is so hard isn’t it? No-one can appreciate how it feels until they are in that position. I’m so sorry you are feeling depressed and anxious and I can’t really offer much in the way of help other than to suggest you just try and keep yourself as occupied as possible to prevent yourself from constantly thinking about it.

Best wishes to you and stay strong.

Thank you … Just spoke to my bc nurse results on monday… thats made me feel a bit better till monday…

I wish I had Bahons2’s doctor!

Thanks julie

I had a wire guided WLE on 14th July and the results took 2 weks and 1 day.
I then had a re-excision on 18th August and expect the results next week or the week after - like Jools456 my hospital say" 2-3 weeks"
I don’t see the oncologist til 18th September, it all seems to take so long.
Irina x