Hi all,
I’ve not posted before but feel the need to today! I had my 3 year mammo nearly 7 weeks ago and was told results in 2 weeks. That was nearly 7weeks ago! I rang BCN who laughed when I said I was told 2 weeks and she said if I haven’t heard anything in another 2 weeks to ring back. She checked and it hadn’t been looked at.
How long do others have to wait? I am getting more than a little anxious now,
Hi cleosmum
It might help to talk this over with one of our Helpliners. They’ll be able to offer you practical information and emotional support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
I had my frist yearly mammogramme in June and heard within two weeks. I did however ger recalled but everything checked out ok and they told me that day I was fine but I also got the official letter within two weeks. The BC nurses that I ring are very good and will follow up a call for us. I hope you hear soon and that your mind is put at rest. Just think of the old saying " No news is good news"
Good luck
Hi I have just had my 2nd year mammogram and was told 2-3weeks for a letter and if not to ring my breast surgeon’s Secretary and ask about it.could your gp look it up as they can get into the hospital system?I happened to have an oncologist appointment 2days after my mammogram and he told me it was on the screen that all was ok in the interim report.I was very pleased to hear this so quickly as it is an anxious time .I hope you get your results soon. Didi
Thanks everyone for your replies. From what I can gather 2 weeks is the normal waiting time so it seems here in Hastings they are very behind.
The reason it is freaking me out is that this happened 3years ago when I had a recurrence - I waited ages and even then they missed a 3cm invasive lump! I have used our private medical insurance for my last 2 and got results same day (at a private hospital), but came back to NHS for this one as everyone said the service is good!
I rang the mammo dept Friday and they confirmed no one has looked at it yet so I guess it’s still in a pile waiting! Do I continue to wait or have another done privately? (Is it safe to have 2 in one year?)
Thanks again!